we could've been | key glock

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You sat in your room, crying on your queen sized bed. You had been crying for the whole weekend and the only time you got out of bed was to pee. Not even to eat. You weren't in the mood.

You really weren't in the mood to do anything. Heartbreak took a toll on you. And this heartbreak you were going through was one for the books. It was horrible. Your whole body ached, not just your heart.

You sat up in your bed and leaned against the grey headboard. You tried to think about how and when your relationship went wrong. What you could've done to fix it. What you could've done to be a better girlfriend.

Markeyvius was the best boyfriend. He gave you everything you wanted. Food, good dick, everything. He spoiled you mentally and physically. From compliments to shopping trips at Lenox. He was your honey and you were his baby Glock.

And you thought you two were gonna be like that forever. You pictured you two getting married, him crying as you walked down the aisle, having babies and settling down after college together.

But now it was after college, and you two weren't even on speaking terms.

It all started when his music started taking off. You were his biggest fan and his girlfriend but as he started making more money and more hits, the less he saw you as his girlfriend and more of a groupie. You confronted him about it and he said you were always a groupie. Just a long term groupie he used for pussy and head anytime he wanted.

You refused to believe he thought of you like that, but he never says things he doesn't mean. He doesn't like to lie because there's no point. He's always been the type to speak his mind.

Now you haven't had contact with him in over a week and it's taken a toll. Your skin is breaking out, you're looking goth and deadly because of how skinny you look since you haven't been eating. And you haven't left the house in a week which is unlike you.

You're usually a hard working, happy, fun loving girl who's always outside soaking up the sun. But your heart was broken and it felt like your entire body was slowly shutting down as well.

You got out of bed and walked to your bathroom. You looked in the mirror. Your whole face was pale, your hair looked a mess, and your teeth were already turning yellow.

You shook your head. You were too tired to fix anything. Heartbreak was no joke. Your mom had always talked about how your first heartbreak would be and how you would listen to Luther Vandross and Mary J. Blige to get over it but you can't even make yourself move to turn on your Apple Music on your phone or the Pandora on the tv. You just sat in silence.

You leaned against the bathroom counter, your head leaning over the sink. You had so many emotions swirling through your body and mind. It was ridiculous.

Heartbreak was no joke.

You decided you were done feeling sorry for yourself. You grabbed your phone and turned on a song by Khalid, disregarding all the notifications you had since you hadn't been on your phone in three days.

You took an hour long shower, making sure to brush your teeth, wash your hair, and shave.

Once you got out, you felt a lot better. You made up your bed then put on a grey romper and your red Vans.

You were done feeling sorry for yourself. You were getting out the house and finding someone or something to get your mind off of things.

You grabbed your keys to your Infiniti and walked outside. You got in your grey coupe and sped to Krispy Kreme. You couldn't do anything until you had chocolate milk and three donuts.

You walked inside and immediately turned around. Not only was there a bunch of people there, but there was a bunch of people and Markeyvius.

If it was the movies, he would've noticed you and chased you to your car, apologizing for everything and making sure you felt better, and getting back together with you.

But this wasn't that and that wasn't this. He made eye contact with you right before you turned around. You felt him looking at your ass as you walked back to your car. That is what you wore the romper for though. For niggas to see what you were working with, just not him. You shook your head as you hopped in the drivers seat, resting your foot on the break.

You sat in it for a couple minutes, catching up on social media and then finding a song to listen to on the ride to somewhere. You didn't know where you were going but you just wanted to get out. You wanted to get away from things for a minute. For the whole summer actually.

You finally picked a song, Big Ole Freak by Megan Thee Stallion, and let your sunroof down. You were about to pull out but a car was blocking you. A matte black car in fact. You rubbed your temples and got out the car.

"Move Markeyvius." You said as soon as you got out your car. You knew that Bentley from anywhere. That matte black wasn't common in Memphis.

"Come here lil mama." He licked his lips and motioned you to come over. Last week that would've made you wet instantly but today it disgusted you. And that was good. That meant you were over him. Completely.

"You got me fucked up. Making me miss my song and shit." You got back in your car. You decided to turn into another parking space and then eventually get out of the parking lot.

Now you were driving down the interstate, listening to Khalid and 6lack songs while thinking about what you and Markeyvius could've been.

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