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You sat in your room you shared with your boyfriend, Odell. He was next to you, on his phone. He was always on his phone. You thought he was texting hoes and side chicks but he was usually playing fantasy football or planning workout sessions with the guys.

"Baby." You said while looking at him. He didn't even budge, let alone look up. He completely ignored you. "Tuh, wow."

You got out of bed and walked towards the closet, putting most of your belongings into a duffel bag with letters on it. Odell finally looked up and saw what you were doing. He immediately got up and walked over to you.

"What you doin?" He asked from behind you. He had his hands on your hips. You were bent over, picking shoes up from the closet floor so it was a sexual position.

"What it look like?" You snapped while shoving the shoes into your bag. You hated when he asked stupid obvious questions. You thought t was mad annoying.

"My bad, why are you doing that?" He asked. You turned around and put your hands on your hips, your long, purple fingernails resting on your curves.

"Yet another stupid question Odell. You know exactly why I'm doing this. Don't fucking act stupid." You said. He looked clueless and dumbfounded, like always. He never knows what he does that makes you mad. "We've been together for three years Odell. Three. Why do you treat me like one of your boys, nah nah, like a stranger? Why don't you treat me like your honey?"

He used to call you 'honey' when you two first started dating. He hated baby, babe, bae, baby doll. All the usual pet names for couples. You did too, that's why you two clicked so well.

He sighed and grabbed your hands from your hips. He interlocked yall's fingers and looked down at the ring that was on the floor. His initials were on your left finger though, where the ring should be. Y'all got that tattooed because he can't wear his ring during games, it makes his football gloves feel and fit weird. He wears it all other times though.

"I'm sorry." Your mouth dropped. He usually never apologizes, but that's not why you were surprised. You thought that was all he was gonna say. "I'm just really busy and stuff trying to provide for us. And I've been very insecure these last few weeks."

It warmed your heart how honest he was with you. It was one of the many reasons you liked to be with him. He never lied. Ever. He looked down at his feet. You lifted your hand out of his and placed it on his shoulder.

"Why baby? What's wrong?" You asked. He looked into your eyes then ran a hand through his newly blonde hair. He dyed it a few weeks back. It still hasn't grown on you yet, but it's starting too. You still preferred his waves over his curls but it was whatever.

"Because you know." He looked at you for reassurance but you were utterly confused. You had no idea what he was talking about or what he could be hinting at. "Ugh. You know. You're so used to dating rappers and being the center of attention. And used to niggas throwin themselves at you. And I don't know. I just feel like you gone get tired of me and run back to one of them niggas, maybe even back to your old nigga, Sean." You cringed at his name. You and Sean ended off really bad. You found out he was cheating on you with Jhene for half of yall's relationship and it tore you up. Luckily, you had Odell to be your shoulder to cry on since he was your best friend. He had been your best friend since middle school.

"Odell. Baby. I swear, that will not happen. I promise it won't. I'm not interested in anyone but you. I love you. Only you." You pecked his lips multiple times before wrapping your arms around his neck. "But you have to communicate with me more baby. I won't know what's going on if you don't." You giggled and kissed his sore on his cheek. He had got it from shaving. It was slowly clearing up. "I thought you were texting side bitches and groupies. Cheating on me and shit." You laughed. He pulled away and frowned, well, more like mean-mugged you.

"Are you fucking stupid?" He asked. You were about to get real defensive and real smart with him. "You're my fucking wife, my girl, my best friend, you're my fucking honey. Why would so ever cheat on you? I would never do that, I love and trust you entirely too much to do that." He kissed your cheek then your hand. "I can't believe you'd think that though, because I thought you were doing the same thing to be honest."

You laughed then slapped his chest, realizing what he had just said. He laughed then put his hands up. "You were into your phone just as much as I was. I could've sworn I read 'Qua' in your messages one time." You rolled your eyes He always tryna be funny. Quavo, one third of Migos, had a massive crush on you and he showed it often. He texted, Facetimed, called, and commented on everything you did all the time just to show it. It was flattering, yes, but annoying. Very annoying.

"Hilarious. Honestly." You rolled your eyes then got on the bed. Odell put your things back in the closet and sat next to you. "I saw Brittany a while ago in your phone."

He mean mugged you again before chuckling. "Yo big biscuit head ass always tryna joan. You get on my nerves." He laughed then kissed on your face. You flipped him over and got on top of him.

"Whatever boy. Yo buttery bagel face ass started it." You kissed down his neck before laying down on his shoulder.


"Wassup honey?" You smiled. It was a small term of endearment but you appreciated it a lot.

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