distance | bryson tiller

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y/sc/n_: babyyy 😩

The Snapchat notification said that Bryson was typing. You sat against your chair and laid your head against the yellow wall. Bryson had been gone on tour for a few months now and it's all finally getting to you. You realized how much you depended on him and how clingy you were.

baby bryson: yes my sweetie pie sugar plum ?

You laughed at how corny and goofy he was. That was one of the many reasons you were attracted to him. He was so different and wasn't scared to let people know he was different. He actually flaunted his differences which made him 100x more attractive.

y/sc/n: i miss you !! Rufus keeps barking bc he misses daddy . 🙄🙄

You sent the message and almost immediately, the small Pomeranian named Rufus came
into your room.

He barked at you before climbing in your lap and laying down. He started to whimper, he usually does it when he has to use the bathroom or when he kisses Bryson. You quickly figured out that it was the second option because he used the bathroom a few minutes before you texted Bryson.

baby bryson is typing... The snapchat notification came up on the top of your screen. You rubbed Rufus' back and quickly went to the app, snapping selfies of yourself and Rufus before opening Bryson's message.

baby bryson: ft me right quick lil girl

You rolled your eyes. He's literally one year older than you but he claims he's 'big daddy' and you're a little girl. You laughed then quickly video called your love. He answered on the second ring. He had on his notorious black Nike hat with a hoodie. You couldn't see his lower body.

"Wassup mama?" He sat his phone against an object and messed with his fingers. You held Rufus up and he grinned. "Aww! Daddy's baby!" He yelled and Rufus barked into the camera. Bryson is such a big baby. You two don't have any kids together because you're incapable of carrying a child, so Rufus is the closest thing you two have. He treats him like a little king.

"How's my baby doing?" He shifted his eyes from Rufus to you. You looked into the camera at yourself and giggled. Your braids were all over your head, your lips were drier than the Sahara, and you still had crust in your eyes. Your selfies must've looked rough. "Damn you look rough as fuck."

You laughed. You two had a very friendly, playful relationship. He never hurt your feelings unless he talked about one of your touchy subjects and vice versa.

"I can't stand you." You put your finger on your black watch. It was only 10 am. So it had to be 8 am in California, where he was.

"But you love me baby." He grinned and took his hat off, scratching at his scalp. He looked very neat and well put together. He had a fresh haircut and his beard looked neatly trimmed.

"Mhm, whatever." You looked down at Rufus before looking back up at your phone. Someone else, your neighbor, was calling you. She checked up on you often, southern hospitality at its finest.

"Oh, baby. Let me call you back in five minutes. It's Francine." You quickly said. You noticed his uncomfortable look on his face and Rufus barked.

You quickly answered and smiled into the camera. "Good morning Francine." You greeted her.

She looked like she was filled with tea and wa steady to spill it. "I can't say this over the phone. Just come outside."

She hung up. You walked down the stairs and went to the door. Francine was right outside of it, rocking side to side, looking anxious.

You quickly let her in and made some coffee. "What's up girl? You look like you're bout ready to bust open." You giggled. She didn't say anything. "Bust open with tea. Not with a baby or anything." You fixed your joke. She was on the overweight side and you didn't want it to seem like you were making fun of her.

"Wait..." She trailed off and put her hands on her stomach. "You know?" She asked. You raised your eyebrows and took the french vanilla creamer out of the refrigerator and sat it on the marble island.

"I went to Stanford Francine, I know a lot
of things." You shrugged while pulling down your floral mug and pouring the sugar and creamer inside the bottom of it.

You know she hated when you were sarcastic, but you hated when she beat around the bush. "Okay. I'm just gonna show you." She stood up and walked to the kitchen with you. She went through her purse and pulled out five attached pictures then laid them on the counter. You filled your mug with the coffee then stirred it all together.

You turned and looked at the five pictures. Your eyes widened. Francine was pregnant! She had a certain glow about her. But that doesn't explain why she's so anxious.

"Wow I'm so happy for you!" You smiled and took a sip of your coffee before giving you a side hug. "How does Marcus feel about it? Is he as happy as I am?" You grinned. You loved hearing about pregnancies. It honestly makes your imagination go wild. All the thoughts about painting the baby's room, getting baby clothes, having a baby shower, having the actual baby, it makes you so happy even though you can't experience it.

"See that's the thing. That's the reason I came over here." She said. All of a sudden, it clicked.

"You want me to be the godmother?" You grinned. She knew how much that meant to you. "Wow Francine. It really means a lot."

"Tuh, more like step mother." She scoffed. You laughed until you saw the friendly face you were used to seeing quickly turn into a scowl.

"Yeah, that's right. Bryson is the daddy." She put her hands on her hips. She was about to keep talking all that shit until you raised your hand up.


this imagine is all over the place 😂 but yeah sorry for not updating recently, school is stressful and it's junior year so i'm trying to focus lol. and i start work on tuesday soooo updates will be sporadic then.

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