black bitch | offset

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You had finished lathering your baby oil on your body. It gave your dark skin an extra glow and you loved it very much.

You had slipped on a yellow sundress with your gold sandals. You were going on a blind date with your friend. Well, basically, she was going on a date and she wanted you to come so she told her man to bring a friend for you. So you're going on a date with him.

You turned around and saw your tan friend laying on your bed. She was fully dressed, just waiting on you.

"Yo sexy ass take too long." She said before laughing. You waved her off and put highlighter on your nose and cheeks then on your collarbone. Everyone thinks you go overboard with the highlighter but you just love to glow.

"Come on, Kirsh downstairs. His friend said he'll meet us at the restaurant." She said. You nodded and looked at yourself in the mirror one last time before grabbing your purse and following her outside.

You saw her boyfriend waiting by his black truck. He greeted you then kissed your friend.

"Kiari said he gon meet us at Waffle House. That's coo witchu?" You looked down at yourself and plastered a fake smile.

"Yeah that's fine." You smiled then got in the backseat. She should've told you that you guys were going to Waffle House. You felt overdressed and out of place. He had on ripped jeans and a black Guess shirt and Camille, your friend, had on a blue jean romper. You always looked like you were out of place whether it was your over the top outfits or your dark skin. Some say you've been burnt or you came from Africa but you love yourself and the skin you're in. You feel as if the sun loves you.

You were too busy in your thoughts to see that you had arrived to your destination, Waffle House. Every person from Atlanta loves that place.

You got in the booth and sat by Camille. She rubbed your leg then grinned. Your bright sundress contrasted against your skin and you loved it. You loved how bright colors looked on you. Makes you look so beautiful.

"Oop. There he is." Camille looked up, causing you to look up. You saw a tall dark skin man in front of you. He wasn't as dark as you, but he was dark. He had yellow teeth and short dreads. He looked sloppy to be honest.

"I'm never going on another blind date wit yo stupid ass." You whispered in her ear then laughed. He looked down at you with a scowl.

The waitress came and took your orders. He still hadn't said a word to you. When the waitress came back with your food, he looked at you in disgust as you started eating.

"What?" You looked up at him and he rolled his eyes. "I'm just gonna go." You already felt uncomfortable being overdressed and now this random nigga kept staring at you but not saying anything.

"But he drove us here." Camille pointed at her dude for the week. You shrugged and took a sip of your water with a lemon on the side.

"I'll catch an Über. Nice meeting you two. And thanks for the ride." You picked your purse up off the floor and was about to get up when the dark skin with the short dreads got up.

"Nigga why the fuck would you bring this black bitch here? I'm already black, ion need no black bitch." He said. You felt your heart drop. You had always heard people talk about your skin, but no one ever said it to your face, let alone, made a scene about it in front of you. "This bitch look like she straight from Africa. Bony ass. This probably the best meal she ever had." You clutched onto your purse, trying to find the words to say.

You shook your head. Your parents always told you to turn the other cheek, don't fight fire with fire, and to defeat hate with love, but that all left your head in that moment. "First of all, bitch, you the same color as yo fuckin jacket. Yo teeth yellow as fuck. Look like my damn waffle right there. And don't even get me started on them lil worms in yo head. And don't call em dreads cause that's not what the fuck they are. Lil bitty ass thangs." Your inner Atlanta came out. You had to snap on his ass. You turned on your heels and walked out of the low class restaurant. You called for an Über and waited on the bus stop.

You felt your phone vibrate. It was a text from Camille. You didn't even open it because you were mad. The Über pulled up a few minutes later. It was a high class Über too. It was a black Musain. A black man with a durag was driving it. You got in the backseat and told him your address.

"Ight lil mama." He said and you smirked. His voice made him sound like he was straight out of zone 3.

"You think we made it believable?" You asked while laying in the backseat.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely. Now they ain't gon never invite us to no more dates. I hate going on blind dates with that nigga." He sighed and drove to your apartment complex.

"You didn't hate it when you was with that girl at the bowling alley." You chuckled and went through your social media.

"Yeah, cause that's when I met you." He laughed and turned the radio up.

You two had been low key for a few months now. You hadn't told anyone because bitches is messy and niggas is nosey. You really liked him and you couldn't let something small like that ruin your relationship, hence the reason you two pretend to hate each other in public but love each other in private.

"You gon let me come in?" He asked after parking his car beside yours.

"Come on, black bitch." You mocked him in a playful tone. He smacked his lips before laughing.

this one is all over the place lmao i'm so outta it 😂 but yeah send some requests in please !

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