photoshoot | travis scott

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"Take your shirt off." I said while twirling my curled hair in my fingers. I needed a trim. I'll get it after the shoot.

"You take your shirt off." He retorted. I looked at him like he was stupid.

"I have on a dress you idiot." I chuckled before getting on the big white box that was positioned in front of the white background. I sat on it then rested my leg on the smaller white box on the side of the first box. My black and white Pumas contrasted against the box heavily so it looked really good.

"You look good." Travis licked his lips. I rolled my eyes. He took off his black, leather shirt and tossed it to one of the stylists. He then leaned against the box I sat on and rested his shoulder on mine.

I put my hand on the right side of my head because my head was itching but the photographer obviously liked it so I stayed like that for a few pictures. Travis had his hand on his nose, like he was digging out a booger.

I held back a laugh then held my head up high for the camera, looking mean and boujee.

"That's it! That's perfect!" The photographer gassed us up. I laughed then bit my lip. Once we were done, we went to go change into our last outfits.

I had on a black top, black jacket, very baggy pants, and my white Pumas. Travis had on a black jacket, light ripped jeans, and pink and black Pumas. I looked like a bum if you asked me, but they said it was a fashion statement so I went with it.

The shoot was so much fun! We basically got to do our own thing and act wild, which is what Travis is known for.

Once were done, the photographer showed us the pictures.

"Ooh, chicken legs." I pointed at Travis' skinny legs in a specific picture. He waved me off then laughed.

"Nice shoot lovebirds, hope to see you guys soon." The photographer patted our shoulders before moving his laptop and camera to his office.

"Yeah, nice shoot Ms. Fenty."

"Same to you, Mr. Webster."

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