notice me 2 | pnb rock

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You let off a soft chuckle at the barista. He stared at you with a serious face.

"What do you mean, 'do I notice you?'" You asked after taking a sip of your cool drink. It cooled you off even though the small cafe was already warm.

"I mean, do you notice me?" He asked you again. You were trying to read his facial expression but he was hard to read. He looked sad, almost tired.

"I think I do. I don't know Rakim." You shrugged. Your day had been very long and you really liked Rakim and all but you weren't interested in receiving mixed signals. That's for the birds.

"I tweet you all the time, we have a Snapchat streak, I even dm you and post the same captions as you. Do you notice?" He asked after taking his gold frames off and placing them on the brown table.

After he said that, it immediately clicked for you. He always steals your captions on Instagram, always subtweets you, always sends you stuff saying 'streaks' but you know it's only to you.

"I totally get it Rakim." You laughed as all the pieces to the puzzle finally fell together. He had been trying to get your attention for about three months now but you're just now realizing.

"How about I take off and we can go to the park or something?" He asked. You rubbed your chin. You really needed to study but a little break wouldn't kill you.

"I actually have to go home and study." You said. You hated studying, but you needed to pass your medical test.

"Oh..." Rakim trailed off. He put his glasses back on and stood up from the booth.

"But, how about you come over and study with me? Almost like a study date." You grinned, showing off your bright teeth. He laughed at your idea then nodded.

"Yeah, bet. Text me your address shawty. I gotta do these last lil orders then clock out."

You stood up and nodded. He was going for a side hug but you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a real hug, inhaling his scent. He smelled like Polo cologne and money. Two things you liked a lot.

"Bye Rakim. I'll message you my addy." You pulled up the Twitter app and quickly typed in your address before sending it to him. He smiled and kissed your forehead before heading behind the counter.

You walked to your Altima and quickly drove to your luxury apartment. It had two bedrooms and one bathroom, all that you needed.

You took a shower then got all of your books and notes out from the other day. You were a paid intern at the children's hospital by day and a student at the nursing school by night. You were about to start reading off your notes but there was a knock at your door. You went to t and saw Rakim. He wasn't in his work clothes, he had on a pair of sweats and a hoodie even though it was summer.

"Hey lovebug." You said as he walked inside. He chuckled and sat on your couch. You pulled your laptop from your backpack by the couch and began typing your notes. You found them easier to memorize when they were typed.

After a few minutes of silence, Rakim finally spoke up. "We should play a game."

"I'm studying." You laughed while making the font size bigger ok your computer.

"It'll be a quick game. I promise. I just gotta give my followers something. I haven't posted in a while." He leaned against the wall and rubbed his thighs. You saved our progress on your computer then looked at him.

"I have Twister. Uno, Mono-" You were going through the games you knew you had before he interrupted you.

"You a big ass kid. Not those games." He laughed and patted the seat in front of him. "The no hands game."

You tilted your head, something you usually do when something makes you confused.

"What's that?" You asked. He smiled and rubbed his hands together.

"Glad you asked. I'll show you." He dug his phone out of his pocket and he showed you a video of two people kissing, struggling not to touch each other. You almost thought it was fuckboyish of him to try to play this with you ok your first 'date' but he's been trying get with you for three months but you were completely oblivious to him.

"You think you can handle that?" He asked. You got up and grabbed two peppermints from off the top of the refrigerator. You tossed one to him then popped yours in your mouth.

"I know I can handle it." You smiled. He smirked then popped his lips.

"I bet you all talk. Prolly can't even back it up." He laughed and sat his phone against your mug on the glass coffee table. "Ready?" He asked. You nodded and he slowly pecked your lips. You put your hands in your lap as the kiss deepened and got longer. It felt like you two were kissing for minutes when he pulled away and fixed his sweats. You crawled on top of him and deepened the kiss. He rested his hands on your perky butt while you grounded against him.

"All talk." He pulled away and you laughed. You were about to get up but he pushed you back down on top of him. "You got some nice lips. Wonder what the other ones are like." He winked. You laughed at how freaky he was before getting off of him and getting back on the floor to do your studying.

"Imma cook you a lil sum ight?" He got up and walked to the kitchen. You definitely couldn't turn down free food so you told him that was alright.

"Aye, you wanna know some?" He asked after you closed your laptop. You were done studying for the night. You couldn't get back into your studying mood after everything that just went down.

"What's up?" You walked behind him and wrapped your arms around his skinny waist.

"People write songs about girls like you."

this isn't really a part two to notice me but it is at the same time lmao idk but just read it and tell me how you feel 😂

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