request info !!

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alright i've gotten a few questions on how requests work and i don't like doing imagines from the requests in the comments because it's just inconvenient for me soooo if you wanna request an imagine, message me with this info.

description and appearance of yourself or whoever you want to be:
background to your imagine:
person you want your imagine about:

i'll do an example so y'all can get to know me

name: ayania
description and appearance: pretty lil gal, pretty smile, real short, clear brown skin, mean as hell to everybody who not her nigga, smart mouth, always ready to fight, has a rbm until someone says hi or compliments her
background: me and quavo been lowkey fucking but now he wants something more
person you want your imagine about: quavo

oh! and if yall wanna see more of me follow my other social media's pleaseeeee

butttt yeahhhh request some imagines and i'll try to have em up soon! and keep up wit ya girl 😜

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