drafted | markelle fultz

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for @-kingdia i hope you like it 💕

You sat down on your bed in your dorm, waiting for Markell's to text you that he was outside. He played for the NBA and it was very convenient that he played for the 76ers, the team for Philadelphia. And you attended college there too, Drexel University. So it was a win win. He traveled often but he was in Philly most of the time, so you didn't see a problem with it.

"He just been mad at me for a few weeks but I haven't done anything. I don't cheat. I don't text other niggas. So I really don't know what's wrong with him." You explained to your roommate, Shayla. She nodded before rubbing her face.

"I don't know if this isn't an option or what, but maybe you should ask him?" She was such a sarcastic asshole. You could only talk to her for so long before wanting to beat her ass.

Right when you were about to answer her, your phone lit up and buzzed. You flipped it over and saw Markelle left a message saying he wouldn't be picking you up tonight. That was fine because you had your own car but you always rode with him. It was what you two always did before every game he had.

Now you were starting to get suspicious. "Bitch, I think this nigga cheating on me. He was supposed to pick me up like he always do but all of a sudden he doesn't want to." You furrowed your eyebrows together before rubbing your face. You counted to ten and took deep breaths so you wouldn't take your anger for Markelle out on Shayla's smart mouth ass.

"Let's go." She closed her laptop and picked up your keys. You looked up at her. "Bitch let's go! We finna see what this nigga up to."

"The game don't start for another half hour." You looked down at your white watch while she rolled her eyes.

"That's when we'll get there. Now come on." She put her hand on her hip.

"Should I go like this?" You looked down at your light blue jean shirt with your white ripped jeans.

"Girl you was finna go like that until he said he wasn't finna pick you up. Come on." She rolled her eyes and walked outside. You grabbed your wallet and followed close behind her.

She quickly sped to the stadium and saw the line was barely moving. "Follow me." You led her around to the side door you and Markelle always go in. The security guard was used to seeing you so he let you through, no questions asked.

"Okurrr." Shayla said causing you to laugh. You liked to laugh. And Markelle made you laugh all the time. You started thinking about him and got upset. "Fix yo face Nadia. You look crazy as the fuck."

You rolled your eyes. She was from Louisiana and she sounded just like Youngboy. You thought that was the funniest thing.

You led her to the seats you always sit in. Third row back. No one sits there because one time a lady got hit with a basketball in her head. So now, the row is yours.

"I'm kinda hungry. I'm gonna go get us some snacks." You got up and went towards the concession stand. You looked up and saw Markelle leaning against the wall talking to one of his teammates. You two made eye contact before you rolled your eyes and got chips and candy for you and Shayla.

"Nadia, what are you doing here?" Markelle asked while you walked past him. If he wanted to be mad at you for no reason, you'll be mad at him too. He'll see.

You got back to your seat and noticed the game had started. Your boys were down six points already.

"These niggas suck, no cap." You rolled your eyes as Markelle shot a three pointer. He looked up at you before running to the other side of the court.

"You saw that nigga? Lu winking ass. How you wink wit a lazy eye?" You giggled at how crazy she was. She was bold and funny as hell. She just had a smart mouth.

You two sat and watched the game. Your boys won 105-103. You were very happy because your baby made the winning layup. You got up and led Shayla towards the exit.

"Aye don't leave yet though. I'm boutta go talk to him real quick." She nodded and got in the drivers seat of your Sentra.

You leaned against Markelle's blue Jetta, waiting for him. He walked out of the stadium with a frown even though he just won the whole game for his team. And when he saw you, his frown got worse and he rolled his eyes.

"What Nadia? What is it?" He pushed past you and put his bag in the backseat.

"I-I just don't know why you're so mad at me. I haven't cheated on you. I don't entertain these niggas. I don't do anything but go to class Markelle. What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You really asking me that?" That was the most he's said to you in the past few weeks.

"Yes Markelle, what's wrong with you? Whatever I did, I can fix it. I promise. I just don't wanna lose you." You tugged on his white shirt he changed into and pulled him closer to you. You felt the tears coming but you didn't want them to come out.

"I'm getting drafted Nadia." He sighed and wrapped his arms around your neck.

"Drafted?" You looked up at him with your big brown eyes. "To where?"

"California. For the Lakers." You sighed. That was great for him. He'd finally get the exposure he wanted and deserved but for you it was awful. It was all the way on the other side of the United States. You'd never get a chance to see him. You didn't want to be selfish and try to make him choose you instead of his dream, but it was hard.

"So what does that mean?"

"You know what it means Nadia. Long distance never works and-" You cut him off by pushing him off of you and walking to your car, saying a cuss word with every step you took.

You got in the passenger seat and looked up at the ceiling. "He got drafted. That's why he's been acting like that."

"Well good for him. You know what would be good for you?"

You raised your eyebrows and looked over at her. "The club. Let's go."

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