kroger | kevin durant

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"Mama you want strawberry PopTarts or brown sugar?" I asked her. She was in the line, waiting for her money order. She took the striped food stamp card out of her black purse and handed it to me.

"Strawberry. And take ya brothers." She pushed her two sons onto me, Sam and Timmy. They were 6 and 8. Timmy was ADHD and Sam was just following his brother so he acted hyper too. Stupid self.

I groaned and pulled my hat down over my forehead. It looked extra big today because I had just got my braids done the day before. I didn't want these bad ass kids following me around the store. I don't know what or who I might see.

"Come on y'all." I led them down the snack aisle. They grabbed two boxes of PopTarts, granola bars, and Rice Krispie Treats. I picked up a box of Slim Jims then put them down because I didn't want to eat those at school. They stink and people beg too much for me.

"Cereal?" I asked while they walked towards the boxes of cereal.

"Lucky Charms." Sam picked up a big box. I shrugged and put it in the basket.

"Nah I want Cheerios." Timmy said. He was 8 but he looked like he was 13. He was huge. Well not height wise, he was pretty chubby.

"Boy shut up. You look like a Cheerio." He pouted while putting the box in the basket. Donut body ass. He get on my nerves.

He's 8 and I'm 16. He basically came and took my childhood from me. I had to take care of him because my mom was an alcoholic and my daddy was always in jail. And he didn't even claim us, so he was never in my life. Fuck him though.

"Alright come on." I led them down a few more aisles, just getting ice cream and tea.

"Oh here." Timmy said once I was at the front of the line. Some big lady was blocking his way to me. She was big with a basket full of stuff.

"Just go around." I made a hand movement that showed them where to go, to the front of the line by the bags and cashier.

"Hey, how you doin." I said, I always say that to cashiers. It's a way of making things less awkward and getting rid of silence.

She rang everything up. I swiped the card and put all the bags in the basket. "Have a nice day."

She just nodded. I pushed the basket and saw Timmy and Sam by the exit door, swinging their heads like they were stupid.

"Y'all betta stop actin like some fools in here. Y'all actin real crazy up in hea." I said while pushing them out the exit door. Some guy in front of me laughed. I don't know what he thought was funny, my motherly reaction or the kids. I shrugged it off and got on the basket, riding it across the street.

Timmy was behind me, running across the street. Sam was behind Timmy but he ran back and tried to get a caterpillar that was on the ground. He loves nature and animals.

"Sam!" I yelled. He laughed and ran across the street, causing the cars to stop and honk at him. I waved them off and pushed him inside the car.

"I'm tellin." I said while he got in and buckled his seatbelt. I put the bags in the trunk and got all my stuff out the basket, my wallet and sunglasses.

I put my olive sunglasses over my eyes and slid my wallet onto my wrist since it had the hanging part that was supposed to go on your wrist. I pushed the basket back to the man who was pulling the baskets back inside and walked back to the car.

There was a red car beside me, riding slowly. Almost as if the person was following me. I made sure not to turn around because that's how you get snatched. You look at them, trying to recognize them and they fuck you up.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and was about to get to the car when I saw the window roll down. It was the same guy who was laughing when we were leaving. I had seen him a few times in the store. We made eye contact. But I didn't know he would try to follow me to my mom's car.

"Aye." I heard him say. I didn't even look his way, I just kept walking. "Aye ma." He looked at me.

"What?" I asked with my hands on my hips. I wasn't one of these fast lil girls who ran around Washington, tryna be fast and cute. I was just regular. I liked boys, of course, but having a boyfriend wasn't something I wanted because I don't think I can love you if you're not in my family. I'll like you for like an hour then toss you away.

"You got a number shawty?" He licked his lips. He must've took his shirt off after he left the store because he definitely didn't have one on now. I saw all his tattoos that covered his chest and back.

"Yeah." I shrugged and crossed my arms. I wasn't really trying to entertain no nigga. And he looked grown as hell.

"Them yo kids?" I turned around and saw Timmy and Sam, looking like the Gross Sisters from the Proud Family. I bit the insides of my cheeks, trying not to laugh at how much they resembled the sisters.

"Get back in the car." I pointed to the white vehicle. I kept looking towards the door, trying to see when my mom would come out.

"They my brothers." I looked at the door again, making sure she wasn't coming out. "So you want my number or somethin?"

"Yeah, what is it." I gave him a fake number because I really didn't want to fuck with him. He was cute, but not my type. "You trippin son." He called the number and it said it was out of service.

"What's your number?" I laughed as he smacked his teeth. He gave me the area code and the first three digits before saying, "Hol up, how old are you lil mama?"

I paused. My birthday was on Sunday so I'd be 16 then. "16." Damn. I should've said 17. My stupid ass.

"Awe never mind you too young." He snatched his phone out my hand and sped off. I read his tags. 'K V N D' K V ND? What the hell is that?

I got in the car and laughed. My mom came a few minutes later and looked at me.

"I saw you talking to Kevin Durant." Then it hit me. He was that boy who always starts the basketball games.

Kevin Durant.

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