the morning after | the game

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You let out a soft moan and took the covers off your body. You stumbled out of bed, putting your clothes on. You glanced up at the clock when you were slipping your dress on, it was almost 10. Your rule was to always leave a one night stand before 11, if you don't, you get attached.

You grabbed your black purse and held your heels in your hand. You were walking towards the door when you heard a voice.

"Leaving already?" You saw a brownskinned man come out the bathroom. He was wearing nothing but a pair of blue boxers. He had his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Uh, yeah." You laughed and tried to not stare at his bulge sticking out of his boxers.

"Oh well, don't forget your phone. It's downstairs on the counter." He went back in the bathroom and closed the door. You walked down the carpeted stairs and looked around the kitchen. You saw two plates of waffles, chicken, and eggs with syrup on the side. You didn't want to eat his food though, that's how you get attached.

You heard steps behind you. You turned around and saw the man from upstairs but now he had on a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt. You could still see his profound bulge but you tried your best to disregard it.

"You're not gonna leave without eating are you?" He asked while pointing at the table. You bit your lip. Chicken and waffles is our favorite, but you two had a one night stand. You didn't want it to lead into anything else. "Just eat with me."

He laughed and sat at the table. It was two chairs. The other one was across from him. You sat your heels down on the floor then slid in the chair.

"So, how was your night?" He asked. You giggled. For him to have all those tattoos and seem like a hood nigga, he acted like he was from the suburbs. All proper and nice.

"It was nice, I think. I kinda remember but I don't know how to describe it." You shrugged, thinking about your night. You remember he drove you here and you two kept kissing on each other, but you were unsure of you two had sex.

"We didn't have sex." He laughed. He must've saw how confused you looked. "You were too vulnerable and drunk, I didn't want to take advantage of you." You smiled. He seemed very considerate.

You picked with your eggs before deciding to eat. You finished your food in five minutes.

"I can make you some more if you want." He laughed once he saw your empty plate. You giggled and shook your head.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna head out." You put your plate in the sink and picked up your heels.

"I'll drive you." He said once he finished his waffles. He got up and went towards the door.

"No, I'm fine." You strapped your purse around your body and walked towards the door.

"I wasn't asking." He chuckled. "Your car is at the club, so I'll drive you to get it." He said and you nodded.

"Don't get attached." You whispered to yourself. He looked back at you and smiled before walking out the door.

You followed him to his red Aventador. It was very pretty and clean. He opened the door for you. You got in the passenger seat and buckled your seatbelt.

"So tell me about yourself." He said while starting the car. You chuckled then told him your name. "What else?" He laughed.

"Well, I like to eat obviously. I like to have fun. And I don't like having a boyfriend." You said bluntly.

He looked over at you and chuckled. "You don't like having one, or you can't get one? There's a huge difference."

"Boy do not run up on me." You laughed, getting comfortable around him already. "I don't want no nigga. If I wanted one, I'd have him."

"But my question is, why don't you want one?" He asked while stopping at a red light behind a purple car.

"My question is, why you so worried bout me?" You became defensive. He looked at you and bit his lip.

"Just trying to have a conversation. We can drop it though if you want." He shrugged after honking his horn at the car in front of him.

"Well..." You trailed off. "I just don't want to experience heartbreak again. I got my heartbroken in high school and then college and I absolutely hated the feeling. So I just don't wanna go through it again."

He nodded and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. "Well, I wouldn't break your heart if you gave it to me."

You bit your cheeks, trying not to smile and blush. "Mhm."

"I'm serious." He put his tattooed hand on your thigh. You observed all his different tattoos. "I don't know what it is about you, but you're different."

You rolled your eyes. You hated when niggas said that about you. That bland shit. "How?"

"Well, you're not scared to eat in front of-" You interrupted him. "I'm not scared to eat in front of anybody, we all eat."

"Anyways, that. And you're super blunt. Super pretty. I can tell you have a good heart, but you're like an onion." You laughed.

"I make you cry or something?" You giggled.

"What? No." He rubbed his forehead before laughing. "You just have a lot of layers I have to peel back to get to the center, to see the real you."

"Who said Imma let you peel em back?" You asked once he pulled into a parking space beside your car.

"You last night." He laughed and turned his car off then pulled his phone out of his pocket. He showed you a video and you immediately got embarrassed. "I'd marry you if I could, you're soooo fine." He mocked you. You rolled your eyes before opening the door. "Shut up copycat."

"Oh yeah." He pulled your black phone out of his console and smirked. "See you tonight at 7 pretty." He winked. You closed the door and got in your car. He pulled off once he saw you made it in safely.

"Oh shit." You said to yourself.

You did exactly what you hadn't wanted to do, gotten attached.

yall i went on a field trip today and i was on that bus for like 4 hours soooo expect allots of updates in the coming days

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