fiancè | offset

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You were at your sister's house. She was having the annual family reunion there. But your family wasn't here yet because they're always late, everywhere they go. You say 3:30 and they don't come until 5.

"Well that's it." Your sister, Kayla, said. She was referring to the food. It was all cooked and looked gorgeous. You know she got most of it from the store because she can't cook for nothing.

"Looks nice." You gave her a thumbs up before looking down at your phone. You were trying to enjoy your off day but Kayla kept trying to make conversation. You're not a fan of small talk, or Kayla.

Kayla's one of those girls who things just because she's pretty, she doesn't have to do anything. She's a trophy wife. Literally. She's been married four times, each time to a singer, football player, model, and a billionaire.

"Yeah. He's coming over soon. Can't wait for you to meet him." She said while flashing her room. Oop. She's been married five times then. You didn't even want to ask about him because you knew they were gonna last less than a year. It'd be a shock if they even last two months.

"Ooh, there go mama and them." She ran to the door as soon as the doorbell rung. Her heels kept clacking against her ice white, marble floors.

"Aww my baby!" Your daddy hugged you as soon as he saw you. You were truly, a daddy's girl. He always preferred you and you preferred him. Probably why Kayla has man problems. Your dad didn't get as close to her as he did you, so she probably feels like she needs to be dependent on a man. However, you don't feel like that. You could care less about a man. They're conniving, stupid, and musty. Three things you don't need in your life.

"Hey baby." Your mama kissed your cheek then hugged you. Your mom preferred you too. The whole family preferred you out of Kayla. Only because you stayed to yourself and ran them checks up. "How's the firm going?"

You owned a law firm. Started it from the ground up and got it moving. "Going great, beating cases like always." You smiled. Your grandmama came out of nowhere and rubbed your arm.

"That's my grand baby." She kissed your cheek. Kayla was somewhere talking to your cousins. You didn't know that many people were here.

"I'm boutta to eat." Your dad said with his hands in his pockets. He walked to the kitchen and scrunched his face up. "Kayla what store you get this from?"

"I made that daddy." She said. You turned around and saw her twirling her finger in her hair. She thinks that's cute but it really makes her look stupid.

"The lies that baby tell." Your grandmama said causing everyone to laugh but Kayla. Eventually, we all made our plates and sat down, communicating with each other and catching up on everything that's happened since we last saw each other.

The doorbell rang. You looked around trying to see who wasn't there, but it looked like all your family who resided in Atlanta was there.

Kayla looked through the peephole and squealed. "Ooh guys! I have a surprise for y'all." She said while opening the door. You didn't even bother to see the person who walked in. You couldn't care less at that point. She's been married four times. She does this every year at the family reunion. Butters you guys up, makes conversation, then shows you guys her fiancé/ boyfriend/ or husband to be. The routine gets old, got old after the first year actually.

"This is my fiancé, Kiari." You didn't even look up from your phone. You were too busy playing Subway Surfers and you didn't really care to see him.

"Yeah, wassup. I brought my niggas too." He said. He sounded just like he was from zone 3. Ew. You got up to throw your plate away. "You cooked? That's wassup."

"Oh lord. This again. I gotta go." Your grandma said. Your auntie got up with all her kids and left out the house behind grandmama. It seems like you weren't the only one who was sick of this routine.

"Yeah baby, we're gonna go too. We don't want to get caught up in all this." Your daddy said. "Bye honey." He waved at you.

"Have a nice wedding baby." Your mom said to Kayla. Everybody was leaving. You almost felt bad for her, but you'd think she'd learn that no one cares about the new husband she gets every year.

"Aye Qua, get some bottles out the cabinet. You already know we finna get lit in this bitch." Her fiancé said to one of his friends. You rolled your eyes. He was a zone 3 nigga. And definitely not Kayla's taste. He looks like he's rich, yes, but he was a hood nigga. She usually messed with white boys or proper black boys. Her saying is, 'if you can't get a white boy, get a black boy who's white underneath' and he did not fit that criteria.

"Well Imma go upstairs." You said. You had decided to stay the weekend just because your house was being painted and you didn't want to inhale those fumes for three days.

She was gonna say something but then nodded. She really wanted you to stay downstairs and help her handle the boys but she knew you weren't gonna do that.

You went upstairs and she followed behind you. You two went in one room. She had other rooms but she always wanted to have someone else in her bed. Abandonment issues.

About an hour later, you heard a glass break. Kayla stayed sleep. You heard another one but all she did was turn her body the other way and take the cover from you. Then you heard one last glass break. You got out of bed and slipped on a pair of socks and slides.

You wrapped a robe over your pajamas, a tank top and a pair of exercise shorts, and walked downstairs.

You saw three boys, including her fiancé,  going through Kayla's cabinets and just picking up random stuff and throwing it on the floor. Just stupid.

"Me and my sister tryna sleep so y'all needa get y'all stupid asses outta here." You put your hand on your hip. Two of them looked at each other but Kiari decided to speak up.

"Bitch get yo lil ass outta here." They all laughed. I rolled my eyes and stayed exactly where I was.

"Bitch this ain't yo mothafuckin house so you needa get yo stupid ass outta hea." You had let your inner Atlanta come out. He had you fucked all the way up.

"Aw hell nah." He balled his fists up. "Y'all gone head leave. I got somethin fa this hoe." His two friends left, leaving you, him, and the mess that surrounded you two.

"You needa get to steppin too, ion know why you in my damn face." You poked your lips out at him. He smirked as soon as the door closed.

"Lil girl say anotha damn thing and Imma hurt yo ass." He said. You shrugged.

"Bitch you ain't gone do shit. Scary ass." He wrapped his hands around your throat, expecting you to start squirming but you just stood there. Your ex used to be all about the aggressive shit so you were used to it.

"Gone do anything else or what?"

this is definitely gonna have a part two lol i don't want to make this part too long.

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