easter | key glock

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You hobbled around the backyard hiding the easter eggs in various places for the kids. Your husband, Markeyvius, was on the grill, playing old school and frying corn.

"Baby!" He yelled even though you were only about eight feet from him. "Come look at a young nigga. I'm throwin it down." He grinned and put one hand on his hip and the other used the tongs to flip the corn over.

You can't lie. He did throw down in the kitchen. And he throws down on the grill too. He should've been a chef rather than a rapper.

"Yea baby it look real good." You looked down at the food then kissed his cheek. "Ima bring you some more hot dogs out here. I want all that stuff gone Key. I mean it."

He had brought over two hundred dollars of meat the other day because Kroger was having a sale. That was a good reason for him but you thought it was ridiculous.

"Mommy!" Your baby girl Kyla came running out of the back door. Her little kitchen set was right by Key's grill so he pushed her head out the way so she wouldn't get any steam on her.

Ever since she started walking, she's been running. It's like she went from crawling to running in a month.

"Yes honey?" You knelt down to the best of your ability to her level. She was adorable. The perfect baby. Beautiful and healthy.

"I hungry. Burger pwease." She held out her hand and you laughed.

"Don't you wanna hunt for easter eggs first?" She quickly nodded and ran back inside for her easter egg basket. It was purple with yellow designs throughout. That was the one good thing Key got from Kroger during that sale.

"Oh snap!" You heard Key's old ass uncle come through the back doors. He had on his signature cooking sandals with a striped shirt and shorts. The typical uncle. "Somebody get this young nigga off the grill!" He laughed before dapping Key up.

His uncle was never alone, so you knew the whole family had to be rolling and roaming through the house.

You were excited to see everyone except his boujee ass mama and judgemental ass auntie. You tried to love them as much as he did but they hated you for some unknown reason.

"Granny!" Kyla squealed. You looked up. The devil herself. In the Prada outfit that Key bought her.

You mentally rolled your eyes before walking up the hill to greet her. "Hello Ms. Cathey. Your hair looks real good." She just tilted her head up then focused on your daughter.

"Hey baby. You remind me so much of your daddy. You look just like my baby." She grabbed at her cheeks then kissed her forehead. She turned around and went to go talk to Key, who was done with the corn and hot dogs and onto the burgers.

"Uncle Dolph!" Kyla ran into his arms once he stepped out of the sliding back doors.

He caught her and kissed her on the top of her head. He was probably the only family member of his that you were cool with. He was so chill and down to earth, and humble. He didn't have to plug Key onto all the things he has, but he did.

"Wassup." He gave you a side hug and kissed your head too. "My lil nigga in here. He gon be in the stu wit unc. Count on it." He rubbed your protruding belly. Your tie dye sundress made it look even bigger.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you that she's a girl. Dumbass." You slapped him on the back of the head before laughing. He went over to Key and talked to him while he was cooking.

"Sissss!" His sister yelled from the balcony. You looked up and laughed. She was cool with you too. That was your girl.

"Come down here and help me start this Easter egg hunt before my feet give out!"

"Nobody told you to get pregnant anyway.." You heard his silly ass auntie say.

"Niggas be hatin. And it be ya own family. Ridiculous." Dolph said and shook his head. Him and his mama always got into it. Probably because she did so much crack when she was pregnant with him.

"Gon sit down. Me and Keke got it." Dolph led you to the chair he had by Key and gathered up all the kids. They were all so cute and adorable. And little.

"Here. I already know you hungry as hell." Key handed you a hot dog. Not too pink and not too burnt. Your favorite.

"Thank you baby." You smiled and bit a piece off.

"And ignore my mama and auntie. You know how they are." He shook his head and closed the grill, finally finishing his last pieces of steak and brisket.

You nodded and kissed his cheek. "I already know baby." You picked up the aluminum pans and sat them on the tables you had lined up outside with all the food on them. Macaroni, baked beans, deviled eggs. Everything.

You sat paper plates and cups on the ends with napkins and plastic silverware. You definitely weren't washing any dishes tonight.

You went inside and bent over to get the sodas from the pantry. You felt a stinging sensation on your ass.

"Key!" You groaned. It hurt before you were pregnant, and now that you're pregnant it hurts so much worse and you don't know why.

"I'm sorry. But you know this dress sexy as hell." He closed the pantry door behind him and kissed you passionately.

"Horny bastard." You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned against the shelf full of snacks.

"Mhm...let's feed these people. Meet me in the bathroom in 15."

You nodded and walked out of the pantry with him, slapping his ass in the process.

"Disgusting." Dolph shook his head before laughing.

"Come on." The three of you walked outside together.

The easter egg hunt was done and now everyone was ready to eat.

"Key baby. Lead the prayer." His mom said. Everyone gathered around the three white tables and held hands.

"Well Lord, thank you for blessing me with my beautiful family and my beautiful wife. I don't know where I'd be without her holding me down. I pray every night that she don't realize she deserve better and leave me. I'm so grateful for her bean head ass. My fault. Her bean head self. Thank you for blessing me with my amazing daughter too. She too smart and I already know she gone be a problem. But now, she's a perfect, healthy baby. Now for the prayer." Dolph and Keke snickered. He take thirty minutes to pray. You appreciate it but you're hungry. "God thank you for this food we're about to receive. Bless the hands that prepared the food aka ya boy. Bless my whole family. I know we got some issues but what family don't. Bless the people who don't have family to celebrate Easter wit and the people who won't have anything to eat tonight. I know yall hungry so I won't keep going. Lord you know what's in my heart. Amen."

Everybody clapped and started helping the kids make their plates.

"Aye I'm finna go to the bathroom." Key nodded his head towards the inside of the house.

You followed behind him and he pulled you inside the bathroom. "Ima show you how grateful I am. Take that lil dress off and bend over."

You took the dress off and bent over. Let's just say...he ate your pussy from the back like he it was his first and last meal he'd ever get. You came three times before he even put his dick inside your guts.

Just know, you know he's really grateful for you and he definitely showed you in that bathroom.

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