wedding | big sean

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You sat in one of the front pews of the church and sighed. You loved to see him happy and growing up but you couldn't stand to see him with someone other than you. You loved him and they always say, 'if you love something, you have to let it go' so you did, and instead of coming back to you, he found a new girl and is about to get married.

You straightened out your dress and bit your lip. He was on the alter looking nervous but excited at the same time. You were happy for him, yes of course, but you were jealous. You let him go, it's your fault that you two aren't getting married. You ended things off with him. And now here you are, mad because he's getting married to a woman who isn't you.

You were so engaged in your thoughts you hadn't even seen Jhene come out. She looked utterly beautiful. Her white dress had lace and it made her look like an elegant angel. They complimented each other very well. Dark and light. Bad and good. Troubled and perfect. They do say opposites attract. You two were too alike, one of the reasons you ended it with him.

Once again, you were too engaged in your thoughts you didn't even realize they had finished their vows and they were about to kiss.

"Speak now or forever hold your piece." The preacher said. A part of you wanted to speak but you knew he was over you so it would've been no point and you would've looked stupid.

"You may now kiss the bride." He dipped her down and gave her a passionate kiss. You felt your heart actually break into 1000+ pieces. Your feelings for him never left, they actually got stronger each day you went without seeing him. They walked down the aisle and you felt yourself about to cry so you just looked down at your phone and blinked rapidly so your tears would just go away.

Once people started getting up, you got up and out of there and jetted to your car. You drove across the street to an empty parking lot and cried your eyes out. You opened your door then threw up. He really broke your heart. You hadn't felt this bad since high school when your mom died. She would've had the perfect thing to say to you at this moment. But she didn't. That made you cry even harder.

You cried for thirty more minutes. When you finally gained your composure, you drove to where the reception would be and fixed your self before heading in. It looked beautiful. Everyone was dancing and talking. You made you a plate of the cake and was about to leave until you heard that voice that you loved so much.

"Hey, running off so soon?" Sean asked you with a smile. "I didn't even get to ask how ya been."

"I've been great. How are you Mr. married man?" You nudged his shoulder with a smile.

"I've honestly never been happier. I think I finally found a good one to settle down with, and I am very elated. I hope we stay together forever. I know I sound like a kid but it's true. I'm deep in love with her." Your heart started beating faster with every word he said about her.

You nodded. You tried to fill your head with bad thoughts about her but you couldn't. She was a sweet angel and was perfect for him. She didn't have a bad bone in her body, and you hated that. She hadn't done anything bad to you or him, maybe not even anyone else.

"Well I'm very happy for you Sean. I really am." You nodded again, tears threatening to spill out.

"Have y'all met? Let me introduce. Stay right here." You tried to open your mouth and tell him you knew each other but he ran off to find her. You couldn't leave because you wanted to see if she was really all that he had said she was. You wanted to see if they were really in love.

"Jhene-" He tried to introduce her but she engulfed you into a hug. You hesitated then hugged her back.

"I've heard so much about you!" She smiled before continuing. "All good things though!"

"I hope." You let out a dry chuckle then looked at Sean. He was admiring her beauty. But who wasn't? She was honestly so pure and gorgeous. The white dress really brought out her features and made her look radiant.

"Yes of course. I just wanna thank you for letting him go so he could find someone like... ya"

Strike one. "Yeah no problem-"

"Yes because ya know. His family wouldn't want him to marry someone who's- what are you again?"

Strike two. "Excuse me?"

"Jhene baby, that's enough." He made an attempt to stop her but she kept going.

"Black. Right? You're all black and you're from where? Harlem? The Bronx? What a shame."

Strike three. "Okay so, you don't know me. I am from The Bronx and I am all black which means I will stomp yo stupid ass out with these red bottoms on at your fucking wedding without even giving a fuck. So if I were you, I'd just turn around before I throw this piece of cake on you and stain that white dress forever."

"She's exactly how you described her. Bitchy and over the top black and ghetto. It's not a good look for you." She critiqued. "If only you were a little lighter and kept your mouth shut. You'd be beautiful."

You threw the cake at the center of her dress before punching the face full of makeup off of her and punching Sean as well.

You turned on your heels and walked out of the church.

You weren't even sad anymore. If anything, you were mad. You went through the parking lot and found his car, the same 2006 Altima he's had since you two dated. You keyed a heart into it before slashing three of his tired.

You went to your car and drove home, taking the best nap of your life when you arrived.

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