ride or die | nba youngboy

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You pulled up outside your boyfriend's house. He was in the garage with all his niggas doing things hood niggas do. Playing dice, smoking, and listening to Chief Keef. It was an everyday thing with them. And it was summer now so they were gonna all be at Kentrell's house all the time.

"Babyyyy." Kentrell came out the garage and leaned on your car. You had a Suzuki Forenza and it was brand spanking new. You had got it two days ago and you couldn't stop driving it. You really only drove it to his house to show off. He lived two houses down from you. "New whip?"

"New whip babyyy." You cheesed at him showing off your straight teeth.

"Aww shittttt, I see ya." He licked his lips before getting in the passenger seat.

"Aye Trell!" One of his friends, Shaya, came to your car. You could smell the weed he had on him all the way on your side. "These niggas just shot lil Dave and shot the trap up."

Lil Dave was Kentrell's best friend since the sandbox. You saw him clench his jaw. His vein in his forehead started to come out.

"Shit man ight. You got yo car?"

"You know I do. We finna go hit a lick on dem niggas. You comin?"

"Nah, me and my gal got it. Is you comin nigga?"

Your eyes widened. They wasn't finna get you in trouble with your parents and the law for this shit.

"Aye that's coo witchu though right?" Kentrell asked you. You quickly nodded. You could never say no to him, ever. You loved him too much. And you were scared of him. Very scared of him.

"Come on yall!" Shaya yelled to the house. Three boys jumped off the crates in the garage and ran to the car. You were so mad at yourself for agreeing to this.

"Y'all strapped?" Shaya asked.

"You know I stay wit it." One of the boys said making everyone laugh.

"Drive to 23rd." Kentrell said. You twisted the key and put your foot on the brake but you must've been moving too slow for him. "Drive to 23rd bitch damn! You crazy as the fuck!"

You put the car in drive and did as he said. Once you got there, all the boys got out and ran inside the trap.

"I'm sorry baby. I love you." Kentrell kissed your forehead before he was about to get out the car. "You love me?"

"Mhm." You mumbled. It was true, but he had some real problems. His anger was one of the major ones.

"Ight girl. Stay right here. We'll be right out."

You nodded and looked at him walk inside the house. He had you fucked up talking to you like that, inside of your car. You got to thinking and just said fuck it.

"Walk it like you talk it bitch."

this ones weird but whatever 😂

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