feelings | takeoff

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for @migo_baby i hope u like it 🧡


You sat down on the Kirsh's couch and waited for him to come back with the popcorn. It was Friday and you two were doing what you did every Friday, movie night. It was a tradition you two had since freshman year, and now you two were about to graduate in a week and a half.

"Here. I got you this earlier." He threw two bags of candy at you. Laffy Taffys and an all pink bag filled with Starbursts. Your favorites.

"Aww thanks Kirsh sweetie pooh!" You smiled at him. He waved you off and sat on the couch with you. He was a space away but it didn't bother you any. It was a scary movie so you'd get closer eventually.

"Lemme get under the cover." He pointed to your red Victoria's Secret blanket.

"I'm not moving." You shrugged and popped a Starburst in your mouth. He put the popcorn in your lap before getting closer to you. You felt your stomach start hurting, almost as if you were getting butterflies for your best friend.

He put his arm around your shoulder and rested the other one on his lap. You snuggled against him and looked at the person on tv get slaughtered. He put on Candyman, knowing that movie scared the hell out of you and made you paranoid.

"I'm gon beat yo ass Kirsh." You laughed and looked at his cheek. He turned and looked you in the eyes. He licked his lips before smiling.

You felt your stomach get tight and light again. You were trying to push your feelings for him away because you didn't want to mess up the friendship, but you honestly couldn't anymore. You spent too much time with him and every time you saw him, your feelings grew stronger.

You weren't shy at all but you didn't know why you couldn't tell him your feelings. Scared of rejection maybe? You honestly didn't know the answer, but you wanted to find out. You laid your head on his shoulder and finished eating your candy as the movie went on.

He got up at the end and stretched. You got up too and folded your blanket. You grabbed your keys off the coffee table and took a deep breath.

"Walk me out to my car. I gotta tell you somethin." He nodded and turned the tv off before following you outside. You unlocked your doors and threw your blanket in the backseat.

"Okay so." You leaned against your drivers door. "Ion know what's goin on and I really don't wanna fuck up our friendship, but I like you. Like more than a friend, like I want you to be my nigga and I'm not tryna be on that sappy shit but-" You looked up and him and he was leaning in. You took the opportunity and pulled his head against yours, deepening the kiss.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, resting your body against the small car. "Jamiah, I like you too and all but you talk too damn much." He laughed and kissed your forehead before letting you down.

"Naw, fuck you. You gone have to run me my ones." You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. Even on your tippy toes, your 4'11 stature could barely reach his.

But that didn't matter. What mattered was, your best friend had became your boyfriend in a matter of seconds. And you loved it, and him.

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