date | kendrick lamar

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"Alright, alright. See you soon." I hung up then tosseds my silver phone on the bed. I checked the time then sat down. It was 6:45 and he said our reservation was at 8. I went over outfits in my head then got up and went through my closet.

"Too revealing, too faded, too short." I criticized everything as I swiped through my hangers. "Ughhh." I groaned.

I decided to keep it simple and just wear something I'd wear with my girls. A white tank top, an olive green skirt, and flats. No point in getting too cute since I'm gonna be eat. Rather be comfortable instead of pretty.

I grabbed my shirt from my brown drawer and the skirt off the hanger. I quickly ironed the outfit then took a shower. I shaved everything, not because I was giving up the pussy but because I had on a skirt and I didn't want to look like Chewbacca.

I put on my cocoa better then my deodorant. I slipped my clothes on and sat on my bed. 7:13.

I decided to head out since the restaurant was kinda far away. I got there at 7:29 and ordered myself a drink. I saw Kendrick walk in. He wasn't dressed up so that made me feel better. He had on a white tee, black jacket, and black jeans.

"Hey." He smiled. I stood up and gave him a side hug.

"Hey." I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "You look nice. I like the hair." He laughed and waved me off.

"Thanks, I didn't know you'd get here so early." He looked down at his watch on his wrist. "Its not even 7:30." He chuckled.

"I like to be early." I shrugged and took a sip of my water.

"Well sorry I'm late Miss lady." He looked down at the menu as the waitress came. We both quickly ordered then looked at each other.

"So what's your thought on abortion, Trump in office, and black lives?" I crossed my legs and smiled.

"I don't think men should have a say since we're not getting rid of the baby, Trump literally does crazy stupid shit, he only got in office because America didn't want a woman president, and I believe we matter, but until we unite and stand up for each other, we're gonna continue to be looked down upon." I sipped my drink then grinned.

"I like you."

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