library | algee smith

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I looked through the aisles of books, none were catching my eye through. Then I realized I was in the fiction section. No wonder they didn't catch my eye. I've always preferred nonfiction over fiction. Ever since my elementary school days.

I left the fiction part of the library and walked upstairs to the non fiction area. It was huge. Aisles and aisles of books. It seemed endless. I smiled and started looking for my favorite author, W.E.B. Du Bois.

I went through the aisle that went from 'Bi' to 'Br'. I picked up my favorite book by him, The Souls of Black Folk. It was about how black people were treated in America. It's so true and relevant, I love it a lot.

"Hmm, Du Bois huh?" Some guy who was beside me looking for a book said before looking at me. "You don't look like the type to read him. Or are you just reading him to be, fake woke and a fake deep black girl?" I looked at him like he was crazy. Is this fool serious?

"You don't look like the type to be in a library, yet here you are." It wasn't a good comeback, I know. But it was all that I could think of at the moment. He let out a soft chuckle then smiled at me.

"Look, you're not even gonna read him. I bet you're just gonna take a picture of the cover and put some head ass Instagram comment. So just let me get the book." I looked at the Du Bois section. Oh. I see why he's mad. I got the last copy.

"Um." I said while flipping through the pages. The edges were frayed, it was an old book. More than old. More like antique. It came out in 1903. Literally over 100 years ago. I felt I was being stingy because I've read the book multiple times so I just handed it to him. He looked shocked but then he smiled.

"I'm just fucking with ya. I'm Algee."

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