fiancè 4 | offset

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You got all your things out of Kayla's house and put them in your red car. You noticed that she had keyed your car, but at that point, you didn't even care.

You drove to your house and saw the painters truck about to pull out of the driveway. "Oh hello! We were just about to ca and say we were done." The painter, Miguel, said as you pulled up beside the white truck.

"Thanks guys, have a good day." You grinned and got your things out of your car. You walked inside your house. It still reeked of paint but it looked so much better. Your recently white living room walls were now a light grey and your downstairs bathroom walls went from maroon to a sky blue. It looked very nice.

You went upstairs and took a long, hot shower, washing Kiari's everything and Kayla's spit off of your body. You couldn't get over last night. They basically betted on you. You wanted to get revenge- you needed to.

You laid in your bed fully naked. You were gonna take a quick nap until you heard your phone ring. It was a number you weren't familiar with. You hesitated but eventually answered it.

"Hello?" You put on a professional voice, thinking it was one of your clients.

You heard moans into the phone and you rolled your eyes. Kayla and Kiari. Of course. How didn't you think of that?

"Uh, uh, uh. Ki go faster." You heard your sister moan and you almost threw up. Her moans sounded so forced and scripted. "Oh yeah baby, I love you guh." And it didn't even sound like how it sounded when you and Kiari had sex. You two sounded like mac and cheese but they sound like sandpaper rubbing against another piece of sandpaper. She must've been dry. You laughed to yourself then hung up.

"They got me fucked up." You got out of bed and put on proper clothes, a tank top and black sweats. You picked up your orange chair from the corner of your room and put it in front of your closet.

"Where is it?" You started snatching things off the closet shelf. You were getting quickly aggravated. You heard a thump and then grinned. You jumped off the chair and looked at the hunk of metal that had banged against the wooden floor.

"My baby." You picked up your glittery gun and held it in your arms as if it was a baby. "Haven't used you since when? The last case I beat because the witness suddenly 'died'" You chuckled and looked at the red box on your shelf. You got back on the chair and pulled it down.

"Aw my honeys." You grinned at the inside of the box. It looked like a makeup box on the outside but the inside looked crazy. You had a portable Listerine bottle full of gas, a box of matches, toothpicks, and three lighters.

"Long time no see, haven't used you guys in forever!" You exaggerated. "Since Drake died huh?"

You looked at the gun then at the box. You decided to use the gun because if you killed another loved one by a fire, that'd seem suspicious and you definitely don't have the time to go to jail. You'd last, but it's not somewhere you want to go.

You made sure the gun was filled with bullets and had the silencer on it before you slipped it in the waistline of your panties and then put on a Polo jacket. You grabbed your keys off your dresser and ran down your wooden stairs.

You got in your car and sped to Kayla's house. You were beyond pissed. It wasn't even about her spitting on you or Kiari cumming in you. It was about them betting on how 'easy' you were and then calling you when they were fucking. That's mad disrespectful. You knew it was disrespectful to fuck with her fiancé, but he wasn't gonna marry her anyway! And now, they won't have the chance to marry anyone else.

You parked on the curb and stormed inside the house. The door was unlocked so that satisfied you. You saw the same two boys from last night sitting on the white leather couches playing basketball.

"Aw was-" The one with the longer dreads said before you pulled your gun out and shot him in his head. The brownskin one was about to pull his gun out but you were too quick, you shot him in the neck.

You went upstairs and heard moans as you neared Kayla's bedroom door. "Kiari...ugh!" She yelled and you shook your head. She was such a hoe. You regretted having her as a sister sometimes because she's so embarrassing. Like who would want to claim a sister who gets married to guys she's dated for two months? That gives you a bad rep and makes people steer away from you, which is why you probably got so attached to Kiari so fast. He was the first guy to speak to you since you killed Drake.

You opened the door and saw Kiari on top of Kayla. Their eyes were both closed. You leaned against the door and locked it. Kiari opened his eyes but then closed them. You chuckled and pointed the gun at his back, shooting him in his spine.

That woke Kayla up. She immediately shot up and started crying. Cry baby ass. She is so bitch made. "Shut up girl." You went near her and backhanded her with your sparkly gun.

"Y-you just killed him!" She yelled. You rolled your eyes. She must've thought you weren't gonna kill her.

"And I'm finna kill you. Wishy washy ass bitch, I can't believe I had the biggest hoe in Atlanta as my sister. Damn." You pointed the gun at her stomach as she started to cry.

"I'm pregnant suh, stoppp." She whined. Your eye twitched. You weren't fertile so you could never have a baby. You pulled the trigger and stared as the bullet hit her stomach. She fell back in agony.

You snatched the ring off her finger and slid it onto yours. "Now I'm his fiancé, bitch." You shot her in the head and then left out the house, making it look like someone came in and ransacked them.

"Mission accomplished."

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