goosebumps | travis scott

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imma try somethin a lil different this time, tell me if yall like it. and im gonna use my name just bc lol just pretend it's your name.


I walked downstairs and looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good for my first date with my soon to be girl, Ayanna. I'm gonna ask her to be mine tonight which is why I need to look superb.

"You a ight lookin nigga Jack, you fuckin shit up." I gassed myself up while looking in the mirror that was attached to my door. I crossed my arms, looking at the gold watch that sat on my wrist and the blue bomber jacket that I had rolled up just so people could see the Rolex.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's lit my nigga." You turned and saw your close friend, Ian, coming down the stairs. "You lookin spiffy tonight, what's the special occasion? Porn convention in town?"

I rolled my eyes then facepalmed myself. "I'm asking Ayanna to be my girl tonight." I smiled just at me saying her name. She was the perfect package. Beauty, brains, and brawn. She was a very beautiful, stunning woman. Very intelligent and talented; I met her when she was working in the law firm she now owns. She also works out quite often, it's not something that I would demand my girlfriend to do, but I'm glad she does it. It's very attractive.

"Ohh, she not your girl already nigga?" He laughed and sat on the brown, leather couch. "She definitely gone be ya gal before the night is over, and Ian Connor guarantees that." He gave me a thumbs up before turning on the tv.

I let out a nervous sigh and ran my fingers through my braids. I had just got them done earlier today so I could look fresh for my girl.

"You think I overdressed?" I turned to Ian. He turned around and leaned over the couch.

"Where y'all goin?" He asked while eyeing me up and down, stopping at my dick. I swear, sometimes, that nigga is the fruitiest person I know.

"Golfing and then the art museum. Ion know shit about art but I know she loves it, it makes her little cheeks turn so red and when she likes a painting she starts-" I was going on about the girl I was growing to love before Ian interrupted me.

"I don't care. You look good. Just change the shoes into some Vans or something since you're gonna be walking all day." I looked down at my zebra print Yeezys. He knew they made my feet hurt, I complained all the time about wearing them and how they hurt me all the time but I continue to wear them. The saying 'pretty hurts' is for niggas too, shit.

"Bet." I ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of patterned white Vans and went back downstairs. "Damn, it's 3:30. I gotta be at her place at 4 on the dot. See ya later nigga."

"Deuces. Get that pussy tonight nigga."

I rolled my eyes then grabbed my lanyard and walked out the house to my purple, camouflage covered Ferrari. I got it customized a couple years ago and it's my favorite car, hence the reason I drive it so much.

I drove to her apartment complex and got the bouquet of sunflowers out of my passenger seat. I got them for her this morning. She's so different so roses wouldn't be right for her, she gets sunflowers.

I laughed at my thoughts and got out of the car. I walked into the lobby then up the flights of stairs. 313. That was her door. I was about to knock but she opened the door, almost as if she knew I was there.

"Oh, hey Jacques. I was about to go to my car." She laughed and looked down at the sunflowers. She grinned then took them out of my hand. "Oh wow, my favorite."

I let out a soft chuckle before looking her up and down. She gave me goosebumps every time I saw her. She makes me nervous and tingly on the inside.

She had on a white shirt, ripped jeans and a pair of yellow Vans. So simple yet so gorgeous on her. She's just a gorgeous girl. Simply stunning.

"I've gotta finish my makeup. Wanna come in?" She raised her eyebrows. She looked perfect the way she was, but I wasn't gonna try to argue with her over makeup, so I nodded and walked in. Her apartment was nice and spacious. Three rooms, balcony, a nice sized kitchen, and nice, natural lighting illuminating the whole place.

I got comfortable and turned on the tv, watching Silent Library when she came out of her room. She looked like she was glowing. She was drop dead gorgeous.

"Wow." Was all I could say. She was too pretty, way out of my league.

"What?" She raised her eyebrows. She was insecure, but what girl isn't?

"You look beautiful." I smiled and got off the couch, turning off the tv. "Ready to go?" I straightened out my wrinkled shirt and looked at her. She was smiling at me. She was always smiling. Such a happy, beautiful soul.

"Yeah, golfing right?" I nodded. She went back to her room and came out with an Adidas jacket.

"Put that back, I'll give you mine." She tilted her head to the side and gripped onto her jacket tighter.

"Ya sure? Topgolf gets pretty cold. You'll need your-" I cut her off.

"Ayanna Taylor Owens, please put your jacket back so I can be the gentleman and give you mine. Okay?" She rolled her eyes then sat her jacket down on her kitchen chair.

"Alright Mr. Webster. Whatever you want." She shrugged and took my jacket out of my hand.

"Sooo I was thinking, Topgolf, then picnic, then movies?" I said while we walked out of the door.

"You don't have a picnic basket." My heart sunk. I forgot to pack one. She laughed and opened her door again, heading to the kitchen.

"How about we just order a pizza and watch movies?"

I grinned. She was so down to earth and I loved it.

"Sounds good to me."

idk if i like this one lol but if you want to request an imagine please please please message me bc if you comment, chances are, I really won't do it unless I'm bored. so fill out the request info and message it to me please guys.

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