$100 | d'angelo russell

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I got out of my car and adjusted my yellow shorts. My long, brown legs looked almost as if they were glowing because of all the Vaseline cocoa butter gel I put on them. I strutted into the Gucci outlet with my Gucci purse almost glued to my arm. I looked across the street and clicked the button on my key chain that locks my doors. I can't have anyone breaking into my baby.

I was on a mission to get this backpack and sneakers I had seen the last time I had came here. But I was broke then. But now, my check came and I'm big money ballin! I fixed my long, black braids and walked around the outlet.

It smelled like hairspray and vanilla. They had soft instrumental music playing. Not a good combination but I wasn't worried about it. I was just worried about the backpack and sneakers.

I picked up a pair of sneakers that had caught my eye. They weren't the ones I had came in for but they were very pretty. They were silver with floral stitching on one side and the Gucci lines on the other. They looked like Superstars but they didn't have the shell toe. They were very smooth and sleek.

"Um excuse me." I said once an employee walked near me. She scoffed then walked away. Bitch ass.

I rolled my eyes and went up to the counter. "Yes ma'am?" Another employee asked with a smile on his face. His smile was so contagious so I smiled.

"Do you guys have a pair of these in a size seven?" I pointed to the shoes. He leaned over the counter and nodded.

"I can check. I'll bring them out to you when I find them, alright?" I nodded and smiled as he walked to the back. I scanned the store for the backpacks section. I finally found it and went towards it.

I looked through them all. They didn't have the $600 one I had came in for so I decided to just choose another one. I picked up one that had birds on the front of the brown Gucci logo. It looked very tropical. I turned it around and it was just the brown Gucci logo with the green, black, and red stripes on the straps. I held it in my hand while the employee who had disregarded me earlier came towards me.

"I'm not sure you can afford that." She said with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes. I don't even have time to entertain her. I went towards the counter and smiled at the cashier.

"Sorry, I was searching for you. But here are the shoes." He handed me the box. I placed the backpack on the counter.

"Can I try these on?" I asked. He quickly nodded and handed me a tan, thin, no show sock. I was thankful because I had on heels and definitely didn't have a pair of socks in my purse.

"Thank you." I said while sitting on one of the small stools they had by the shoe rack. I unlaced my long, gladiator heels and took it off of my foot. I slipped the sock on my left foot then put the sneaker on. It looked really nice against my chocolate skin. I walked a few steps in them then grinned. These were definitely gonna be my favorite shoes for the summer.

I took it off and slipped my shoes back on. I put the shoe back in the box and closed the box before throwing the sock away in a nearby trash can.

"Found everything okay?" He asked once I got to the counter. He was very considerate.

"Besides the snarky employee back there, my service was perfect." I smiled as he rung my things up.

"Don't mind her. She's been wanting to quit since she started here." He laughed and put the items in two separate bags.

"Why hasn't she?" I asked while swiping my black card. My total was a little over $1900. Didn't matter though. Those modeling checks added up.

"She needs money, shit." He laughed and handed me the bags. "Have a good day." He laughed. I nodded and told him the same.

I walked to my red car and sat my bags in the backseat. The sun's radiation had my seats scorching! I opened my trunk and pulled my towel out. I always keep it in there just in case I go swimming or something.

I laid it on my seat then drove to Baskin Robbins. I was really craving an ice cream cone.

"Hi, cookies and cream with a waffle cone. And three scoops please." I said while pulling a ten dollar bill out my purse. I handed it to her and she gave me my change. I watched her make my ice cream while sitting at one of the circular tables.

A man was in the line. He was ordering the same thing I think. She handed me my cone. I thanked her then used my spoon to eat my ice cream. The guy had sat at a table opposite of mine. He was facing me and I was facing him. He looked up at me then shook his head. The fuck?

He got up and walked towards the door but something fell out his pocket.

"Excuse me-" I said getting up and following after him.

"I have a girlfriend." Was all he said while he let the door close on me. I laughed. He dropped a $100 dollar bill. It was crisp and it had the blue strip across it. It was new. I grinned before putting my newly acquired money inside my Gucci wallet.

"You also just lost a hundred dollars." I mumbled while thinking of what I can get with this new money. iI shook my head and walked to my car. He has a girlfriend and is now short of a hundred dollars. That's crazy.

Well, that's his loss.

for those wondering why i don't put names or 'y/n' it's because i just don't like that lol. I write it in first person point of view so you can feel like you're living in the story lol. 'y/n' imagines have always made me cringe, no shade to people who write them though. the only time i will put a name is when someone requests an imagine, then i will include their name into the imagine. until then, i won't put names except the person's name who's gonna be the subject of the imagine :)

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