good girl gone bad | keith powers

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for @nayonfleek hope u like it hunny 💕

Your precalculus teacher was finished talking so everyone was about to go. You stayed for a couple minutes just to let everybody get out. You didn't want to get caught in that traffic.

"Oh Janae, a word please." Professor Dalton said. You looked up then put all your things back in your bag. You walked to his desk and raised your eyebrows.

"Yes sir?" You asked while eyeing his desk. You saw a students paper that had an F on it. You couldn't make out the name.

"I need you to tutor Mr. Powers. He's flunking and he needs to get his grade up to play in next week's game. Can you do that for me?"

You couldn't say no to your professor, you really couldn't say no to anyone. That was a problem you've always had.

"Uh, yeah I guess. What's his first name?" You hesitated before looking down at your feet. He grinned before handing you the paper with a red F on it.

"Keith. Keith Powers. Quarterback for our football team?" He chuckled before giving you a friendly pat on your shoulder. "Catch up to him before he's gone."

You nodded and fast walked out the door. You saw him sitting by the oak tree that was in front of the building.

"Well, since I have to tutor you, let's get started." You leaned against the tree and sighed. Your professor saw you as the perfect mentor for the most troubled kid in class, Keith Powers. He was the epitome of the American athlete: dumb and doesn't care about anything but sports.

"Sounds like you don't want to do it." He let out a laugh and tightened his letterman jacket. You looked up at him laughing then did a scowl.

"To be frank, I don't." You gathered your things and got up, wiping the leaves off of your butt.

"Whoaaa, you're gonna leave that fast?" He laughed before getting to his feet. "How about we skip the tutoring and go to this kickback me and my friends are having." You made a face then shook your head.

"I don't think so, just come to the library with me to study; it's hot out here."

He chuckled and leaned against the tree, looking like someone straight or out the Howard university catalog.

"I'm not tryna study ma, I'm tryna go to a kickback. Is you tryna go or not?"

You scoffed then smacked your lips. "Not."

He chuckled and touched your chin. You smacked his hand away and frowned. "You real tense. Come to this party with me. You need to relax."

"I'm fine, really." You pleaded.

"It really wasn't a question. Let's go." He grabbed the loop on your backpack and led you to what you presumed to be his dorm. He sat on his bed and took his letterman jacket off, leaving him in a crisp, white shirt.

He grabbed a small bag out his jeans pocket and went to the bathroom. You stood against the door. You were about to leave but Keith came back into the room.

"Sit down." He pointed to the bed. You obeyed and slowly sat on the bed, smoothing your skirt down in the process. "Thank you."

You looked at the brown piece of paper he had in his hand. It looked like sandpaper but it wasn't as thick. You eyed the strange concoction in awe while he laughed.

"Good girl ain't never seen a blunt before?" He teased.

"Good girl has a name, first of all." You started. "And I know what a dang blunt is."

He chuckled before grabbing a blue lighter out of his pocket and lighting the brown piece of paper up around the edges. It slowly began to wrap around the substance that was inside it. Weed.

"Janae." He laughed before getting up and walking over to you. He pulled you to the bed and sat next to you. He looked into your eyes, then your lips, then the blunt. "Hit it right quick."

Your eyes widened. You quickly shook your head. He held the paper up to his mouth and inhaled, making the end look weird and making the apparent 'blunt' get smaller.

"Please." He whined. You rolled for eyes. If it's one thing you can't stand, it's when people whine. "Listen, if you smoke with me, I'll study with you. Thats the only way this will work. I can't study if I'm sober."

You started to think about it. You were gonna definitely disagree until he said, "Look, I know you want your extra credit points. So just smoke with me and help me understand this, and I'll tell professor Dalton that you were a really good tutor and you helped me a lot. Deal?"

You slowly nodded and sat on the soft bed. You put your bag in your lap and looked at him. He was licking his lips while rolling another joint. You sighed and took your books out of your Jansport.

"Okay, well this is just about velocity. Like the formula." You wrote the formula down in the green notebook. He looked at your handwriting then at your lips. "Basically, plug the numbers in." You wrote the problem down in the standard equation and showed him. He nodded and passed you the joint.

You took a small inhale, coughed, then handed it back to him. You held your hands up as he patted your back so you could get the smoke out of your lungs.

"Okay, so height is x and velocity is y, right?" He took another drag of the blunt and handed it to you. You nodded then took a hit of it. It was slowly relaxing you and making tutoring him easier.

"Yes. That's right." You began to tell him more technical terms and showed him more problems which he answered correctly each time. You smiled when he started to celebrate.

"I'm finna be able to play in next week's game!" He yelled and got off the bed. He started to dance even though there wasn't any music playing.

"Yay, go you." You put all your things in your black bag. You got up and was about to leave but he grabbed your waist.

"Dance with me." He laughed. He was obviously high. You two slow danced and rested your foreheads on each other's despite no music playing.

"You wanna smoke again?" You felt your high slowly wearing off. He laughed and pulled a blunt and a bag of weed out of his drawer.

"I done made the good girl go bad." He laughed and sat on his bed, rolling up the blunt.

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