notice me | pnb rock

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I got out of my Altima and walked inside the popular coffee shop. I pulled a crisp $10 bill out of my back pocket and got in line behind a chubby white man.

Once it was my turn to order, I smiled to myself.

"Hey, we're having a special today." The cashier, Rakim, informed me. I shook my head.

"No that's okay, I'll have my usual." I come here everyday after work so he already knows what to get me. "Oh yeah, extra whipped cream today."

He winked and handed me my receipt after I gave him my money. I sat at the table nearest the door and leaned my head against the window, waiting for my drink.

Rakim yelled my name, which took me out of my daze. I walked over to the counter and picked up my large vanilla bean. I took a long sip of it.

I went back to my table and started scrolling through my Twitter feed.

I noticed Rakim had tweeted something a few hours ago.

pnbrock: do u notice me ?

I retweeted it then took another sip of my drink. I started going through all my social medias but it quickly got boring so I just started messing with stuff in my settings.

"Mind if I sit here?" I looked up. Rakim was in front of me with his green apron on and his gold Cartier frames on the top of his head.

"Gon' head." I looked him over again before going back on my phone. "You're on break or are you off?"

"Just break." He shrugged while staring at me. I looked at him then laughed.

"Why you always look at me like that?"

"Like what?"

I poked my lips out. He knew exactly what I was talking about. "You always look at me like you're lost or something. Why?"

"Because every time I see you, I wonder the same thing."

"And what would that be Mr. Rakim?"

"Do you notice me?"

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