valentines day | key glock

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You were at Ruth's Chris with your close family and friends and your boyfriend and hopefully soon-to-be fiancé Markeyvius, Key for short.

You sat on the right of him and on the left of your best friend, Lauren. He squeezed your thigh and looked at you with a smile, his golds in his mouth shining in the light. He looked so scrumptious you couldn't wait to eat his dick up when you two finally get home.

"Okay birthday girl. Dessert?" Your mom asked you from across the table. It was also your birthday. Your 20th birthday actually. You nodded.

"Chocolate duo please." You looked up at the waitress. She was giving you a genuine smile which was rare to see these days. You smiled back at her and handed her back the menu she had gave to you so you could find your dessert of choice.

"Yes ma'am. We'll have that right out. How's the food tasting everyone? Good?" She looked around the table and then back at you. She smiled when she got good words about the food and turned on her heel and went to go check on her other tables.

"Okay birthday girl. Wanna open up your presents?" Your daddy (not Key) asked. You smiled and stood up beside your chair. Yes, it's childish to open your birthday presents out in public but this was your first and probably last time you're gonna eat at Ruth's so you have to make it memorable for you and everyone else.

You got a lot of cute small gifts from everyone around the table and Key claimed everyone saves the best for last so you didn't open his present until you opened all the other ones.

"Okay y'all. I just wanna say you might wanna get this on camera 'cause this don't happen everyday. Just sayin." He shrugged and looked up at you with the biggest smile you ever seen.

Everyone took their phones out and turned their flash on, indicating they're recording.

"Come on girl before my phone die!" Your sister, Drea said. You laughed as Key handed you a red balloon and a knife. You smiled and thought about what could be in it but you had no clue.

"Okay...three, two, one." You counted down before poking the knife through the balloon. Glitter and money spilled out of the balloon.

"That's twenty racks baby towards all your goals. Count up." Key said before kissing your hand that was holding the knife. You smiled so big and wide, you didn't even know tears were coming out your eyes.

"Oh yeah girl keep him!" Lauren said beside you. You laughed and wiped your eyes. You turned towards Key to thank him but he was down on one knee. Your tears started coming down faster and you started smiling even bigger. 

"Baby, you are so special to me. You're smart, ambitious, persistent, helpful, and just everything I need in my life to keep me straight. You know I'm not no simp ass nigga, excuse my french Mrs. Angela but baby, will you make me da happiest nigga from south memphis and marry me?" He opened the box and you saw the biggest rock you had ever seen. It would most likely weigh your whole hand down and make your ring finger crooked from how big it was.

You nodded quickly because you couldn't get the words out. You were crying and smiling too hard for anything to come out. He slid the rock on you finger and picked you up and kissed you.

"I love you princess." He pecked your lips over and over again. "And I just popped a Viagra so when we get home I'm breakin dat lil back in. Period." He whispered in your ear and stuck his tongue out like how you always do when you say period. You laughed and kissed him again.

"Oh, and happy birthday sweetheart." He pulled your chair out for you then sat down in his seat.  "You tryna go to the bathroom real quick?"

"Yo freak ass." You laughed as he fixed his red dress pants under the table to hide his boner.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

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