first love | takeoff

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for ImJustALibra , i hope you like it and sorry i took so long 💕

You walked into school, mad like always. You hated the fact that you had to go to the same school and have 4 out of 6 classes with your first love, Kirshnik Ball.

He used to be your everything. He was your daddy, baby boy, baby pop. Your everything. He even took your virginity. And then he just up and left. Didn't give you an explanation or anything. Just up and left.

You went to class and put your headphones in because you knew Kirsh would be coming in in a few. He wasn't gonna talk to you but you didn't want to hear him talking to his boys or his new bitch, Victoria.

She was a lightskin who thought she was all that and some more. But she really wasn't. The only thing that was remotely cute about her was her accent because she's from Harlem so she has that different sound from all of the Atlanians.

''Die Bout It' by WNC Whop started blaring through your white headphones. It always got you in a fighting mood and made you feel so bold even though you were the biggest nerd.

You were swaying your head to the music when you saw Kirshnik walk in with Victoria. Her musty ass. Qua and Ki were already in the class but they were in the back on the computers, playing some game.

Victoria made eye contact with you then mean mugged you before rolling her eyes and kissing Kirsh's cheek. You rolled your eyes and looked back down at your phone. You were trying not to snap on her yellow ass because if you would've snapped, you would've beat that bitch's ass.

"Is there a problem Mandy?" She got up again even though she had just sat down. You rolled your eyes and let out a soft laugh before changing the song.

She gon let her nigga be the reason she got her ass beat. You stuck your middle finger up and scrolled through your music library, trying to find something new to listen to.

Juug Season by Kirsh's rap group, the Polo Club, came on. You rolled your eyes because you thought you deleted all his stuff a long time ago.

Victoria was still standing in front of you, waiting on you to say something. She really wanted her ass beat.

"Victoria move yo ugly ass out my face damn." You rolled your eyes. It was too damn early for her to be doing the most.

"Ugly? Bitch if I'm so ugly, why I got yo nigga?" She asked. You sighed and rubbed your face, already knowing that day was gonna drag by.

"Victoria you got two seconds to get out of my damn face before I grab you by that nappy ass leave out and stomp yo lil body ass."

"Bitch talk about my leave out all you want. At least my relationship wasn't based on no damn game." She spit in your face You didn't even acknowledge her comment. You yawned then rested your head on your hand and placed your elbow on the desk. It was way too early to play with her ugly ass. "Mhm, tell her Kirsh."

"Mane, she already know. Chill out." He sounded mad. He knew it was too early too yet she was right here tryna play. Wrong. She needed to sit her happy ass down.

"She look too damn calm, she don't know a damn thing." Victoria said. You sighed and took your headphones out of your ears. You really weren't trying to get into anything on a Monday, but it had looked like that was bound to happen.

"Victoria. Just spit the shit out before I yank that nappy ass leave out out yo damn head." You got up and rested your palms on your brown desk. She looked taken aback but you couldn't care less. She ruined your peaceful Monday morning. It was going so well before you got to school.

You woke up on time, your makeup was on point, and you had time to stop by Chic Fil A before you got there so you had a very nice breakfast.

"My leaveout? Bitch you need to worry about them dusty ass braids you got!" She exclaimed. Your braids were about a month old, so you had some new growth. But it wasn't enough to make you take them down. They didn't even look bad. She was just mad.

"Kirsh, just spit it out." You looked at your ex and all the memories came running through your head. Him taking you out on your first date, him meeting your parents and vice versa, even him taking your virginity on Valentine's day. You felt your eyes watering while looking at him so you looked down at your hands on the desk, trying to stop yourself from crying.

"It's not even important cuh." He shrugged and ran his hand through his dreads, something he always did when he was lying. He lied a lot so you already knew what was up.

"Y'all doin too damn much!" Another lightskinned girl got up. Her front teeth were messed up and she had long pink curls. She was well known at the school. She went by Molly. "Mandy, sorry guh but ya whole relationship wit ol dude was a bet. A whole ass bet. Now sit down and shut the fuck up, damn." She said before laying her head down on the desk.

Victoria was laughing while Kirsh just sat there looking stupid. You weren't even gonna waste your energy on those two because you knew it would only end badly.

You gathered your things in your backpack then pushed your chair in. "Nice to know. Thanks Molly." You walked out of the class and out to your car.

You got inside and did what you've tried not to do all your life, cried. You weren't crying because of the bet or because of Victoria's antics. It was because of any of that. It was because you were pregnant and your baby wouldn't have a father in it's life.

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