valentines day | quavo

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You sat in your room, admiring your appearance in the mirror. Your 26 inch bundles were pin straight, your face looked clear and looked as if it were glowing, and your body looked amazing.

Your friends had set you up on a blind date and you didn't really know how to feel. Your last boyfriend was horrible to you and he mentally and physically abused you but that was over three years ago and it was valentine's day, so you decided it was way past time to try to get into the dating scene again.

You ran your hand through your burgundy bundles then put on a coat of your favorite clear lip gloss from the hair store. You looked down at your Apple watch. It read 7:15. You were going out to eat at Season 52, a luxury restaurant, and it was about twenty minutes away so you decided that it would be smart to leave now.

You grabbed your tan MCM purse and walked downstairs and then outside to your white Ford Fusion. You quickly drove to Dollar General and got a candy bar before driving to the restaurant.

You walked inside and said 'Quavo' as the name and the man took you to a table.

You sat there and picked with your fingernails looking at the time. It was almost 7:45. Your date started at 7:30 but you try to give your dates 30 minutes just in case traffic or something was bad.

It slowly went on 8:00 then 8:30. The server kept going and checking on you but you kept telling him that you were waiting on your companion. He came over one last time and you were about to snap.

"Two waters please, light ice and lemon on one." You heard. You turned around and saw a man with dreads and he had a mouth full of gold teeth. Definitely your type.

"And you are?" You asked once the server left.

"Quavious." He sat down at the table with his bag on the side of him.

"You're also late." You said, instantly regretting it because you sounded like a teacher.

"Sorry about that. I stopped to get you a lil sum sum, ya digg." He opened his bag and pulled out a bag of Rap Snacks. Hot Cheetos, and a red bouquet of flowers.

You grinned then laughed at how black he was. He could've just got you a card and chocolate but this nigga probably went to the corner store and got all of it. It was the thought that mattered though.

"Thank you." You laughed before accepting his gifts.

"Sooo, you tryna get outta hea? A nigga really want some buffalo wings, hold da bone."


"Oh fuck yeah, you my gal already. Let's go."

You laughed before leaving a tip on the table. You walked in front of him out of the restaurant and he walked you to your car.

"Oh yeah, happy valentine's day gorgeous." He wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a warm, passionate kiss on your lips.

superrrr short because i've been superrrr busy

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