babysitting | pj washington

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for @jordan23dude hope u like it bc i'm not sure about it lol

You had just gotten off of work. You were an aesthetician and today was really quick and busy. Just the way you liked it.

You were ready to go out with your girls tonight so you could unwind from work. The work week had taken a toll on you. You were sluggish and annoyed all the time. But tonight, that was gonna change, or so you hope.

You got home and saw your husband, Pj, and your daughter, Jayla, just sitting down, talking to each other as if they were both the same age even though Jayla's only a toddler. They were talking about the weather. You kissed both of their heads then went to the kitchen and made yourself a sandwich.

"Mama eat sandwich?" Jayla walked to the kitchen then fell on her butt. You laughed and made her a sandwich with the ends cut. You sat her in her high chair and poured some milk in her bottle. Not because she was a baby, but because you drink milk with your peanut butter jelly sandwiches too.

"My two beautiful ladies." Pj came in the kitchen and kissed your head. You smiled then kissed him.

"Hey baby." You pecked his lips then threw the ends of your sandwich away in the trash can. "Take our the trash, I gotta go shower." You put your flats by the door and ran up the wooden stairs.

You took 30 minutes then got out of the walk in shower and applied your lotion from Bath and Body Works and your Neutrogena body oil so you could look like you were glowing. You walked to your closet with only your towel covering your body. You looked through all the clothes, trying to see what you were gonna wear tonight. It was the end of summer so you couldn't wear anything too revealing because it started getting cold during the night, and that's when you were going out.

You decided on a black off the shoulder shirt with ripped blue jeans. You wanted to keep it simple. You weren't trying to impress anyone anyway, because your husband was staying home with your two year old.

You grabbed your purse and walked downstairs. Pj was sitting on the couch on his phone and Jayla was on the floor, watching Bubble Guppies. It was her favorite show.

"Mmk Pj, I'm about to go out." You put your nails on the door. He glanced at you and was about to say bye but then he took another look at you.

"Where you finna go?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. You chuckled because he always does that.

"Out with my girls." You shrugged and crossed your arms. He knew where you were going. You guys had been planning this for weeks so you wouldn't cancel on them. You had a bad habit of doing that.

He got up off the couch then leaned against it, facing you. "Jayla's a girl." He shrugged. You let out a soft chuckle.

"Pj stop playin." You rolled your eyes at how childish he was. He hated babysitting just because he doesn't know how. It's really simple, he just doesn't put the enough effort into watching your child.

"But Jordan," He sighed and rubbed his face, something he does when he's about to make an excuse or when he's stressed. He's about to do both of those. "I don't know how to babysit and you know that."

You were getting more annoyed as each second went by. Your husband kept acting dumb and you hated when people did that. It got on your nerves.

He kept acting like he didn't know how to take care of your child, Jayla. She has turned two three months ago and she was already walking, talking, and doing everything else so he really didn't have to do anything but feed her and make sure she goes to sleep.

"Pj, I'm trying to go out." You groaned. It was obvious he wanted you to stay with him but you weren't gonna flake on your friends again. That would be the third time in a row you cancelled on them and you really didn't want to do that. "I have plans, it's just a couple of hours."

You and your girls were going to out to the mall then the club to loosen up and have a nice night. But it looked like that wasn't gonna happen with the way Pj was acting.

"Jordan I'm confused for real." He looked st the baby then at you. "What if she uses it or something?"

You rolled your eyes and picked her up. She squirmed out of your grasp. Ever since she learned how to walk, she doesn't like people to pick her up.

"Then just change her diaper, or take her to the toilet before she starts doing that weird thing with her legs." You said. He nodded but you knew he didn't know what you were talking about.

"I made some pasta, it's in the microwave. Her pajamas are in the bathroom on the vanity, don't forget to brush her teeth before bed and add that epsom salt to her bath because she hit her knee today." You went though everything and looked at your clueless husband. You were about to beat him up because he looked so dumb. He was a very intelligent man but he always had a stupid look on his face and it always made you want to hit him as hard as you could.

"Paul Jermaine." You said to yourself, trying to retain yourself from hitting him. "Just take care of our child okay? That's all I'm asking from you."

"Ight Jordan, I hear ya." He shrugged and leaned against the couch. Jayla was walking towards the bathroom but she stopped. You squinted your eyes and chuckled. She had peeled on herself. You could tell because her pee was running down her brown legs and was already soaking her yellow dress.

"Well, have fun Pj. Love ya baby."

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