cheatin | travis scott

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for @forevermazza21 hope u like it hunny 💗 sorry it took so long, i had majorrr writers block

You hurried out of the luxury apartment and into your car. You sprayed your favorite Victoria's Secret perfume on your body to get his smell off of you and sighed. You were upset and disappointed in yourself. Upset that your husband hasn't been giving you any attention or affection lately, which had forced you to find a new, younger man to spend your time with. Disappointed because you broke your vows and did something you never thought you would do in your life: cheated.

You thought you were the worst person in the world for cheating on your husband. You knew it was gonna get out, he was famous for crying out loud; it was bound to leak out to TMZ or some company like that, built to ruin people's lives.

You walked into the six-bedroom house and sat on the leather couch. You put your head in your hands and let the tears come out. You were so disappointed in yourself and couldn't forgive yourself for cheating on Jacques, it'd crush him if you told him, so you decided to just keep it to yourself.

You finally calmed yourself down and went to the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich. The doorknob jiggled a bit before your husband walked in the house. He looked disgruntled and spooked, almost as if he saw a ghost.

He nodded his head at you then walked up the stairs. He does that every day. Doesn't even say a word to you. Just chills in the room all day like you're not even there.

You made two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches then went upstairs. Jacques was on his computer, watching his old interviews. He was so conceited, but you were too. Probably why you two have so much chemistry.

"Jacky, we need to talk..." You said before sitting on the bed next to him. He ignored you, like he always does. You repeated yourself and then he slammed his laptop shut.

"What Mary? Damn, what the fuck is it?" He asked in a harsh tone. You were taken aback a bit because you weren't expecting a reply, definitely not that reply.

"I just want to talk..." You frowned and looked at your husband. His face was so tense and lifeless, looked as if he was stressed and dead.

"Talk to your side nigga then, the fuck." He said. Your heart dropped. You knew it was gonna find a way to get out. You were glad he found out by himself and not by a social media websites or post.

"Oh Jacques don't even fucking start." You took a bite of the sandwich then sat the napkin on your chocolate leg. He knew you were serious because you called him by his real name, not his nickname, Jacky. "You think I don't know about you and Kylie? New flash: she's one of my clients. She always throws hints that you and her are fucking around, like she wants me to know."

"Well if you fucking know, why are you still bothering me Mary? Go bother Derrick." He scoffed and opened his computer again. You rolled your eyes and threw the sandwich in his face, getting crumbs everywhere.

"This is exactly why I'm cheating on you asshole, you're so mean to me. Like I'm one of your groupies or apart of your team. I'm your wife Jacques. We've been rocking for so long. I don't know why you treat me like this. It's wrong, and to be frank, I'm not gonna put up with it any longer." You took your 17 karat ring off your finger and laid it on the end of the bed.

You two had gotten in many arguments before but never one as serious as this. You never took your ring off, even when you were with Derrick. He never did either. Your rings is what bounds you two together, not marriage vows or a marriage certificate, your rings. And for you to take it off is a big deal- huge deal.

His eyes widened. He grabbed his laptop and got off the bed, putting his shoes back on. "I'm just gonna go." His eyes were starting to water. You opened your moth but you couldn't find the right words to say. When words were starting to come out, you heard the front door slam closed.

You sat on the bed and put your face in your hands. You started to silently cry. You let your husband of five years get away from you so easily. You didn't even try to make him stay. You just let him leave.

You groaned and laid your head in the pillow, crying yourself to sleep.


"Mary." You heard your name being repeated over and over again. You turned your body and squinted your eyes. You saw Jacques hovering over you. He smiled, making you smile.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Can we just forget about everything?" He asked. You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck. You were happy you two could solve everything without marriage counseling or a divorce. You two vowed to never go through either of those options, so you're glad you didn't have to.

"Yeah, let's forget about Derrick and Kylie and focus on us, Mary and Jacky." You kissed his nose and he scrunched his face up. You've been calling him Jacky ever since you two met because Jacques sounded too formal and you definitely weren't gonna call him Travis, so oh called him Jacky. It was your thing, no one else was allowed to call him that.

"You lucky I love you or I would've beat yo ass for callin me that ugly ass name." He bit his lip. You caught his drift then turned around, arching your back up into the air.

"You still can daddy." You said seductively. He laughed and undid his belt.

"Shittt, say no mo."

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