choose | ybn nahmir and ybn almighty jay

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for @5sosx1dfan101 hope u enjoy 💚

You parked your car in Jay's driveway and locked the doors. You walked to his porch and knocked once before walking in. His door was always unlocked and you told him that he needed to start locking it because anybody could get in. And now since he's famous, that could be potentially dangerous.

"Hey boo." You waved at him before closing and locking the door. He was on the couch playing his favorite game, Fortnite.

"Nah fuck you bitch. I'm in town what's really up? I got time." You saw Nahmir coming down the carpeted stairs. You greeted him and he nodded his head at you.

You sat on the couch by Jay and looked at him play the game. Lowkey, nigga was ugly. But he had been your friend since elementary school so you been knowing he was ugly. But you always had a thing for ugly dudes.

You chuckled at your thoughts and decided to get on your phone. You were going through your Instagram before you got a text message from Nahmir. You didn't understand why he was texting you since he was right upstairs.

The text said come upstairs, so that's what you did. You walked in the guest bedroom with blue walls. "Yes Nick?"

"Chill wit the government." He laughed and leaned against his grey dresser. He crossed his arms and looked you up and down, making you feel uncomfortable. "Look imma keep it a band witchu, I think you fine as hell and I like you."

You looked at him and bit your lip. You knew this day was gonna come but you wanted it to come later rather than sooner.

He wanted a relationship with you and he's been wanting one since high school but you hadn't done anything about it because you knew it was ruin you and Jay's relationship if you and Nick started dating.

"And we don't gotta tell Jay. I know that's what's been stoppin you." He ran his hand through his dreads while looking at you.

"Nick..." You trailed off before the door opened.

"What y'all in here doin?" Jay came in laughing. He had two fat blunts in his hand and already started smoking one. That's all he ever did was smoke. Pothead.

"Nothin bruh. Nothin." Nick shook his head before walking out the room, and eventually walking out the house.

"What's wrong with him bae?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and led you downstairs.

"I don't know baby. I really don't." You sat on his lap and helped him roll another blunt.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, indicating you received a new message. You pulled it out and looked at the screen.

ig u made ur choice 🗣🤦🏼‍♂️

okay so i have an announcement. if you don't give me enough details you aren't getting an imagine. point blank period. i'm not gonna come up with the whole scenario for you, so if you can't come up with a scenario and details on your own, don't ask me for an imagine. thank you 💋

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