apple blessings | rich the kid

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You leaned against the white table with iPads and a few iPhones on it. It was a slow Sunday; Sundays are always a slow day.

"Ooh honey, I'm ready to go the fuck home." Your coworker, Kimbresha, yawned. You laughed. She's so over the top and extra.

"We get off in a few hours." You shrugged and started messing with your blue shirt. She smacked her lips then flipped her bluish greenish bundles in your face.

"Girl a few hours? We get off at 10." She rolled her eyes. You shrugged. "I'm sick of this damn job."

"Quit then." That shut her up. You tidied up the products when the bell rang. Customer alert.

"Ooh his fine ass. I got it." You looked up and saw three men all wearing flashy things like chains, bracelets, and obviously expensive shoes. Those were her type of men so you let her handle it.

"Kimbreisha?" One of them yelled about before laughing. They all started to laugh with him, everyone except Kimbreisha.

"Bruh yo mama needa kill herself for that name." The dark skin one with red dreads hunched over, laughing at his own joke.

"She must've been bored when she had you. That ugly ass name." The lightest one said causing them to laugh even harder.

You were getting annoyed so you tried to shut them up. "I can help one of you over here." You called out. They must've not noticed you because they all looked up and gawked at you.

"Shittt I'll definitely take some help from you." The one with dark red dreads came over to you. He had on all black even though it was almost 100 degrees outside.

"Alright sir, what brings you here today?" You stood up straight and smiled. He continued to stare at you like you were a piece of meat.

"Talk nigga before I snatch ha." The other one with the bright red dreads said. You chuckled st his accent. You could tell he was from Atlanta, just like you.

"Aw yeah, y'all got them new iPhones?" He snapped back to reality and asked you. You shook your head.

"Unfortunately sir, we don't. You can preorder them if you'd like." You smiled and went behind the computer desk. "Would you like that?"

"He can't even spell iPhone. Lemme get it ma." The lightest one said. The three of them had crowded your desk.

"Alright." You nodded then walked back to the table you were leaning on before they had came to the store. You bent down and picked up your pink pen from the floor. You went back behind your desk and sat on the brown seat.

"Okay, who's preordering first?" You asked. They all stared at you. You rolled your eyes and sighed. They were getting on your nerves.

"Shit, I left my money in the house." The one with the bright red dreads said and went over to the iPads, playing a racing game on one of them.

"That uglyass phone. I think the fuck not." The light one left and went over to the Apple tv.

"So that leaves you..." I trailed off so he could say his name.

"Rich." He said and held a stack of money up. Your eyes widened because you hadn't seen that much money in your life.

"Wow, your parents must've been psychic." You chuckled and unlocked the computer.

"Nah, that's just my daddy name ma." He laughed and leaned over the counter. He looked down at your name tag and bit his lip, probably because your name tag lied in the middle of your chest.

"Okay, well lets get rollin." You spent the evening filling in all his information for the phone to be mailed to him and up and working in a few weeks when it comes out.

"Ight, last thing." He got out of the chair across from you and stretched his arms above his head, showing his happy trail. You looked down at your feet then up at him. He was smirking.

"Aye, you down for a threesome? Cause I already know Rich lil body ass can't handle allat." The light one said from the back of the store. You were about to reply but Rich cut you off.

"Jose go on wit allat shit, prayin mantis body ass. I'm really finna get on yo ass." He said which made you laugh.

"Hell nah yo pentagon body ass. Bitch yo dreads shaped like the krabby patty formula wit yo uglyass." The dark one said from the back. He was still playing on those iPads. You shook your head at the three of them. Rich must've noticed because he didn't say anything to them.

"What were you gonna say Richard?" You chuckled after using his government name. He smacked his lips and laid his palms on the counter.

"Aw yeah." He scratched the back of his ear then bit his lip. "Lemme text you sometimes."

You grinned, causing him to grin. You held your hand out and he slapped his red iPhone 7 in your hand. You quickly put your number in and saved your contact name to 'princess 💕😛' before giving his phone back to him.

"Preciate ma. Imma text you." He put his phone back in his back pocket. You got up and walked back over to the table with the computers you were at before they got here. "Damn, no hug?"

You laughed and gave him a side hug. "Uh uh ma, Imma need a real one." He pulled away from your hug and picked you up, hugging your body tightly. You took in his scent. He smelled of Black and Milds, hot wings, and money. You scrunched your face up before he put you down.

"You smell good." He laughed and kissed you on your forehead. "I'll catch you later." He rubbed the small of your back and walked out the store, his friends on his heels.

"And I'll see you tomorrow too." The light one, Jose, said to you before blowing you a kiss. You did a fake gag as they all walked out the store.

"Damn y'all do Kimkim wrong." The red head came back in the store with a stack in his hand. "Here's a band, get ya name changed hoe."

You gasped as Kimbresha ran to the money. She picked it up and stuffed it in her khaki pockets.

"Damn, Apple be providing me with blessings on blessings." Kimbresha said while picking up some of her loose dollars that were on the ground.

"You ain't the only one." You leaned against the counter and thought of Rich. You knew he was gonna bring peace and love to your life. He would be a true blessing.

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