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Alison and Emily sat in the ob-gyn office waiting for Ali's name to be called. This would be their first appointment to confirm the baby growing inside of Alison. Alison was excited yet nervous, she almost hoped that the at home test were right and she was going to be a mom again, she yearned for it for such a long time.

"Alison" A nurse called and Alison slowly rose from her chair and held onto Emily's hand as they made their way over to the nurse. The nurse asked for her birthday and last name. The doctor soon made her appearance shortly after, they did some blood work and a urine sample confirming that Alison was indeed pregnant.

"Okay since you're still early, we're going to have to do an internal ultrasound, it may be a little uncomfortable. I apologize in advance for that." Alison just nodded as the doctor left her alone for a moment to get ready. Emily sat in the chair next to the bed as Alison started to shyly unbutton her pants. "Oh I'm sorry Ali, would you like me to leave until your ready?" Emily asked feeling a little guilty she didn't leave when the doctor did, she felt like she was intruding on Ali's personal space.

"Oh no it's fine really, just kind of weird you've never seen me naked and the first time is here looking at an ultrasound of our baby." Alison bit her lip nervously. Emily got up and touched her arm. "Ali it's not weird, our situation is just different. But don't worry I'll close my eyes, so whenever we both are ready it'll be officially the first time we see each other with no clothes on." Alison let out a soft giggle as Emily shut her eyes allowing Alison to remove the lower half of her clothes. "Thank you Em." Ali said as she sat back up on the bed and covered her over with the covering that was giving to her.

Emily uncovered her eyes as Alison was covered up and smiled at Ali. "For what babe?" Emily asked as she sat back down next to Alison. "Just.. just for being understanding. You're really amazing Em." Alison smiled as she grabbed Emily's hand.

The doctor soon walked in and began the internal ultrasound, just like the doctor said Alison slightly winced as it the wand slowly inserted into her and began moving around. "...And there is your baby." The doctor point to the small almost 6 week baby onto the screen. Alison's eyes slowly began to water seeing the little tiny little dot of a baby..their baby.. "Em look..our baby.." Emily was grinning from ear to ear as she stared at the screen and light squeezed Ali's hand. "Our baby Ali.." Emily's voice quivered as she fought back tears, even though it wasn't biologically hers she felt such a connection cause the baby was biologically Ali's. Both girls couldn't wait to become moms to this little miracle.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought of it. 😊

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