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Alison's P.O.V

I called BHU today, I took the job. It's a fresh start in a new place and I'm horrified but I'm also excited. The girls are going to stay here with Emily only while I settle in and find us a place to move into. It'll be hard not seeing them everyday but it'll only be for a few weeks until I find us a place.

I packed a suitcase and Emily, Emilia and Isabella drove me to the airport. They waited with me for my plane and it all hit me I was really leaving Rosewood and all the good and horrible memories behind to a new place. Even though it was only going to be a few weeks without Emily and the girls it was beginning to become real I wasn't going to hear the laughter in the house every morning and night of them before bed. "Em, am I making a good choice?" Alison asked anxiously as she looked over at Emily. "Alison Lauren, you have been back and forth all night with nerves. You're making this choice for you and the girls and I support you 100%, it'll only be a few weeks that we're apart. But that doesn't change anything okay? I know it's scary, I left this place once too and it was horrifying to not know what to expect there but it's exciting too. It's a fresh start with a new journey and people but you'll always have Emmy, Bella and me." Emily spoke calmly as she wrapped her arms around Alison trying to reassure her of her decision. The girls wouldn't leave Alison's side. "Mama you'll be back soon right?" Emmy asked as seriously and strict as she could. "Actually baby you'll be coming to stay with me." Alison smiled at her with tears beginning to sting her eyes as she looked at such an innocent face of hope in front of her. "Wait we're leaving Mommy and sissy behind?" She whispered shocked. Alison let out a small laugh as she dabbed away the tears starting to form. "No you all are coming to be with me." Emmy sighed relieved. "Good cause sissy would not be happy knowing I'm your favorite." "Hey!" Emmy covered her mouth hearing Bella say something angrily. "She has no favorites!" She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. Alison bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. "Yes Bella I have no favorites, you three are my world I can't picture my life without you guys." Alison smiled. "Good thing there is only two of them I don't think a third would be very fun when they're teens." Emily grinned at Alison. "Besides we all know I'm your favorite.." Emily smirked as she whispered into Alison's ear, making her blush a little.

It was time for Alison to start boarding the plane she gave each of them a hug and kiss goodbye, Emily a little longer. "I love you three so much, I already can't wait to be together with you all again." She said as she fought back the stinging tears threatening to fall from her eyes. The girls weren't having it either, they cried the whole way home and Emily for them had to act like she was okay but it hurt. Alison was gone giving her more responsibility and now she was going to be leaving home again, hopefully this was the right decision was all she could think of as she calmed the girls down the whole night.

I'm feeling inspired to write and no worries this will not be like the perfectionist cause Emison will stay together but i thought I'd switch it up a bit, I hope you all enjoyed it. 💜

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