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Emily fought every which way to try and loosen the cuffs or at least slip her hands out but nothing was budging, not even the rope she was tied up in. She was stressing out just to be near Ali would make all her issues just disappear and feeling their baby move would be just what she needed for comfort right about now.

Paige made her entrance into the light in front of Emily. "Em, you still down for those dates you use to never pass up on? Some weird obsession you had with proving yourself?" Emily had a grimaced look on her face. "You know damn well passing a dare down is the last thing I'll ever do so why are you bothering to ask?" She said monotone she honestly was numb to any sort of emotion right about now. Paige slowly circled around Emily, "I'll let you free of the handcuff and rope, tonight will be interesting." Paige smirked as she began to loosen up the rope but decided to let Emily keep her hands cuffed just in case. "You said no cuffs." "Well babe I changed my mind it's kinkier anyway to have you cuffed and tied." Paige winked as she moved close to the now standing Emily. "What do you want from me Paige seriously what can I possibly be worth doing all this over." Emily sighed. "I were my first love Em. It was hard when you left me for good, I didn't want to believe it I thought we'd have a chance like they always do in the movies and then some whore comes in and steals you and you two just start a family. It's making me insane." Paige's eyes narrowed with anger. "Paige let me out of these handcuffs." Paige reluctantly let Emily out of the handcuffs and was met with a quick slap to the face. "First off she's not a whore. Secondly we were never going to work out, you whored around with every girl at school and accused me, you were insane then nothing changed. Third I want a family with her, we've been broken up for three freaking years nothing will bring us back together you realize that right?" Emily stated firmly after the slap, Paige just held her cheek in shock. "Emily I never even cheated on you! They were rumors from girls that wanted to be with you." Paige cried out as she saw Emily pace back and forth.

Meanwhile Paige never realized she never turned off Emily's phone, Alison had quick access to finding her phone after some help with Spencer's bright idea to check. Ravenswood was a 2 hour drive and for Ali, Aria and Spencer quickly got into the car to make their great rescue. Finding out Emily was in Ravenswood was a start now they'd just have to figure out where.

Emily was a little shocked by what Paige said. "You're lying you always lied to me!" Emily cried feeling all the emotions she felt when she found out Paige initially cheated on her. "I never lied, I never did I swear!" Paige yelled as she started to cry. "Yeah well what about all the times you accused me of cheating huh? I never did that to you not once! Yet you still.." Paige and Emily both had a flashback to how that turned out. "I'm still sorry Em, it should've never gotten out of hand like that I was just..So jealous every girl and guy looked at, talked about being with you and it was infuriating." "Apologies will never be accepted for what you did to me." Emily said coldly as she slid down on the wall to the cold cement basement ground.

Meanwhile Alison and the two girls where trying to drive in pitch black down dirt roads to try to take some short cut Spencer tried to remember to get to Ravenswood but it seemed to be taking way longer then necessary and Emily's phone must of died. "You guys the location it's gone!" Ali started to panic. "She's in Ravenswood though, as creepy as that place is there can't be that many places to hold someone hostage." Aria tried to make light of the situation and realized her mistake instantly. "Sorry Ali, I just.." she trailed off and Alison let off a small smile. "It's fine at least she semi close just what if Paige moves her again or hurts her. She's scared of her and I'm scared for her. I need her to be okay and with me." Ali sighed. "Ali we're going to find her and I promise you that we would never let you down." Spencer smiled in the rear view mirror back at Ali. Ali was a a little more comforted knowing she had a team, her best friends to help her through this.

What did you all think of this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know how you think it's going so far ☺️💓

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