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Paige stood during swim practice watching Emily from afar barely participating in the job she "had" to have. Emily never needed an assistant if she was just going to do both jobs anyway. Paige grimaced every time she thought about what Emily said to her that morning. She was going to make Alison pay.. but what would be the perfect way to break Ali? She never leaves the house, but sweet little Emily the love of her life stays out far too late for her own good to get extra time off when the baby comes.

Later after swim practice Emily headed out to her car it was a little past 7 and it got dark close to an hour ago. She pulled out her phone to send Ali something but as she started to to type everything went black..

It was hours before Emily woke up and when she did she was handcuffed, tied to a chair and stuck inside what felt like a cold basement. "Hello?" She shouted. "What the hell is going on!?" Emily cried out. She didn't have to wait much longer as she saw bright lights shine on and Paige step into view. "Paige what the fuck are you doing!?" She screamed. Paige grinned at her. "Baby it's our anniversary don't you remember? I'm so glad we get to spend it together. Not how I would've preferred it but I'll take what I can get." She smirked. Emily was beyond furious. "Paige get it through your thick skull I'm with Ali now why don't you get that!!?" Emily screamed at her. Paige moved closer and lightly brushed Emily's hair behind her ear. "Not anymore my dear, I told Alison you changed your mind after seeing me. You missed me. You needed me. Even added a nice picture in for a little something extra." Paige said calmly as she showed Emily what was sent to Alison. Her heart dropped, Ali couldn't believe this right? She needed to get out. Ali needed her.

Alison's P.O.V

Emily sent me the text, she wants to be with Paige and who am I to stop her? I have a baby on the way, I can't even work right now and I put too much on her. I stressed her out and she left me. She really left me. She had tears pouring down her face as she tried to calm herself down. Spencer and Aria were already on there trying to calm her down. "Ali you didn't push Em away, it's definitely not like her." Aria said soothingly as she rubbed Ali's back. "Do you see the way she looks at you on even your bitchiest days? That girl is in love with you." Spencer said with confidence. Ali slowly started to calm down and realized what Emily said to her the night before. "She was scare for her, for me, for us." Alison whispered softly. "What?" Both girls said in unison. "Emily was upset last night and said that, Paige had been plotting this for a while I know it. No one even knew she was in town and mysteriously pops up with a job? She planned this!" Ali said forcefully but she didn't even know where to begin, how was she suppose to save Emily? Or even find her Paige was completely off the radar and no one in town even remembered her from when she did live here. "What are we gonna do?" Ali let out a sigh of desperation. "No one even knew Paige was back not where she would even stay people barely know her." Spencer and Aria grabbed Ali's hand. "We'll help you don't worry we'll get the two Queens back together." Alison let out a soft laugh and smiled trying to hide her fear. What if they couldn't get Emily back though? Was the only question running through her mind.

I hope y'all are enjoying my story as well as this chapter! Let me know if you have any suggestions below ☺️

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