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Doctors kept a close eye on Emily for a 24 hours after she had woken up. They ran tons of test to confirm that she had no serious memory loss or brain damage from lack of oxygen. It checked out Emily was a lot stronger than most gave her credit for, she checked out to be in perfect condition even the doctors were shocked.

Only worry on Emilys mind was Alison and the baby they were about to bring into this crazy, scary world. How could two traumatic events happen to them in such a short period of time. Talk about kicking someone when they're down. Emily stares at Alison smiling from ear to ear seeing her so pregnant, she had such a glow to her. I guess pregnancy glow really was a thing, but seeing Alison carry their baby gave her a whole new respect for her. "What?" Ali asked softly as she caught Emily staring at her closely. "You're perfect." Emily simply stated as she smiled. She saw Alisons cheek turn bright red, "Em, I'm far from perfect but I appreciate your compliment." Alison slowly waddled her way over to Emilys hospital bed and but her lip as she felt another contraction start. "Are you alright?" Emily furrowed her eyebrows in concern as she watched Alisons stomach tighten up again with another contraction. Alison took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. "With all the stress from what happened and not knowing if you were going to be okay.. it started some contractions. They were slow at first but Em, they're getting to be about 5 minutes apart and they're lasting longer." Alison looked Emily in the eyes, you could see the fear Alison had. "I know I wanted this but I'm scared, what if I'm bad at this and my mom was right I shouldn't be a mom?" Alison started to sound panicky in her voice. Emily grabbed her hands and squeezed them. "First of all you'll be an amazing mom, no mom is perfect and you deserve to be one. Second I'm about to be discharged and we'll head straight to labor and delivery and have you checked out. I'm here, I'm present I remember everything. You're not alone Ali and you never will be for as long as I'm alive you'll always have me." Alison smiled and leaned over and softly kissed Emily on the lips for the first time in what felt like forever, it was long and sweet but just perfect.

Emily signed her discharge papers from the doctors and was told to make a follow up appointment with her PCP but that was the last thing Emily was thinking about all she cared about was Alisons contractions getting closer together and getting her down to labor and delivery as the walked into the elevator together and made their way there. It took them a little bit since Alison had to make a few stops to breathe through her contractions but they made it.

Alison had checked herself in, the wait was short before she went back to triage and they monitored her contractions for a little bit confirming she was in active labor. Alison felt her heart race as the nurse confirmed she was going to be admitted into the hospital. They quickly got her into a room and changed into a gown. Alison felt her nerves building up and she was starting to panic more as everything started to feel real. "I'm going to be a mom.." she whispered and Emily caught what she said and squeezed her hand. "Baby, you're strong and amazing. This is your dream, you'll be fine and so will the baby. I promise you." Emily smiled and hearing her calmed Alison down more.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it seemed a little rushed! Any ideas of the gender? Should their be surprise twins?? Name suggestions would be helpful as well ☺️❤️

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