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Alison was laying on the bed, her small bump beginning to show against her t-shirts as she did her online classes. It was hard not being able to make any money at her previous job at the brew anymore. She felt useless towards Emily, cause she worked and paid for everything. It made Alison super hormonal just thinking about Emily deserving better.

Emily walked into their bedroom to see a pouting Alison as she took a break from her schoolwork online. "Ali what's the matter?" Emily asked concerned as she started to undress from her work outfit and put on more casual clothes. As soon as Emily asked the question, Ali bursts into tears.

"I feel so useless, I can't do anything cause I want to keep our baby safe..but but I feel like you deserve so much better since I can't do anything at all." Alison said through sniffles as she tried to calm herself down from crying.

Emily laid next to Alison on the bed and pulled Ali so she was laying in her and lightly rubbed her back. "Alison, you're not useless and you're the best person in the whole entire world." Emily said calmly as she tried to calm Alison down from crying so much. "But Em.. you have to pay for everything I feel useless now." Emily wrapped her arms tighter around Ali and kissed the top of her head.

"Ali the house is paid for cause of my parents, we just pay for the extra stuff, you don't need to worry about working, school and staying healthy for the baby is the first priority. I want you both to stay healthy."

Slowly Emily got Alison to calm down and they smiled at each other sharing a few small kisses. Slowly Alison drifted off to sleep on Emily's chest as Em rubbed her small baby bump. "You're going to be so lucky baby, you have two mommies that are going to love you so so much. You're mommy and I cannot wait for you to be here. Your going to be gorgeous just like her." Emily whispered softly as she continued to rubbed Ali's stomach. Slowly Emily drifted of into a deep sleep keeping one hand protectively over Ali's stomach.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a little short but let me know what you thought of it😊 let me know what baby names you guys would like for Emily and Alison's baby?😊

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