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Emily's P.O.V

Its been three months of pure bliss being married to Alison, I get we lived together for almost 4 years beforehand but being married brought a different level of closeness. I've never been so in love with her like I am now. Emilia and Isabella are huge and they're finally understanding Christmas and it's so much fun.

Emilia and Isabella are wear matching red dresses, I've pretty much dedicated the whole month of December to strictly all things Christmas and I love it so much. Baby Em loves it way more which is kind of funny since her initials spell Elf, she's been by far the most excited about Santa coming.

"Alright lights and decorations are on the outside, we picked out the perfect Christmas tree." "Em, you're going a little crazy over Christmas just relax and enjoy it a little more instead of making shouter everything is to it's utmost perfection." Alison said softly as she made her way over to Emily eyeing the tree up and done making sure every ornament was placed to perfection. Emily sighed, "This was my dads favorite holiday, we decorated and planned to a tee I can't let him down." Emily gulped a little to fight back tears. It's been 3 years since her parents had been home for a Christmas.. it just felt wrong. "You're making your dad proud everyday Em he would be astounded at how welly decorated each room including outside is. Nothing is out of place and even Emilia is keeping Bella in check not to touch anything." The two girls laughed. "Maybe I am a little crazy about Christmas, I'm sorry." "Em, I've lived with you for 4 years I know how you are about Christmas I am legally responsible to deal with this for the rest of our lives." Alison shot a smirk at Em who laughed.

It was Christmas morning and Emily of course was the first one wide awake. "Ali.." she whispered softly. "Babe..babeeeee." She whispered louder. "What!?" Alison whispered back with an attitude. "Uhm well it's Christmas and like get up." Emily raised her eyebrow sitting straight up to look at a very exhausted Alison. "The girls aren't even awake yet, can't we just wait? Like a little longer?" Alison whined as she shut her eyes again. "No now get up!" Emily smiled as she jumped out of bed and was off to wake up the girls.

Alison slowly got ready and made her way into the girls room and cheered up quickly seeing their smiling faces. "Mommy Santa came!" They both squealed in unison with excitement. Emily grinned from ear to ear seeing the girls so happy. Alison smiled as she watched the three of them run downstairs to the best part the presents. The girls tore through the gifts and screamed jumping around with excitement from their new clothes, to their new toys mainly they loved dolls and shopkins they were in heaven with each gift they had seen. Now the fun part they couldn't wait to try everything out.

Alison laughed and rolled her eyes as the girls begged for each toy to be opened immediately. "One at a time, and unless you clean up you can't open another one." Alison said sternly. They both ran to Emily hoping since she loved Christmas more the answer would be different but she stuck by with what Alison said. They girls pouted as they both chose one toy out of the many they wanted to play with. They excitedly created a Christmas world for their dolls.

"I got you something.." Emily smiled as she held a small box out. Alison looked surprised and smiled. "Em, we agreed no presents. But I got you something too." Alison laughed as she pulled out a longer jewelry box. Emily smiled as she went first laying her eyes on a gold locket with an E engraved on the front and I love you most engraved on the back. "I know you can't wear it all the time but when you do or have to go away for meetings you'll always have us with you." Alison smiled as Emily opened the locket revealing her family of four inside of it.

Alison went next, slowly she opened the tiny box it was a heart ring and the stones around it were her, Emily and the girls birthstones. It was just perfect not to flashy but she knew exactly what it meant to her each time she looked down at it. "Em, I love it." Alison and Emily kissed as they heard a soft knock at the door. "Babe I got you another small surprise go open the door." Alison smiled as she stood up watching Emily warily open the door.

"DAD!" Was all Emily managed to yell before she hugged him tightly and she started crying a little. It had been so long since she got to spend Christmas with her dad and it meant more to her than anything and knowing Alison helped plan it made it all the more special. "Grandma and Grandpa!" The girls put their toys down to greet them at the door. "Alison you officially win this year as best gift giver, I could never thank you enough for helping to plan this." "She insisted I take my leave now which wasn't easy but I made it happen to be here." Wayne said proudly as he hugged the twins. Which turned into a massive group hug. Nothing could've made this Christmas morning anymore special. Emily couldn't wait to begin the rest of their day all together.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's May but I love Christmas and it was the best idea I could come up with 😂 if you have any suggest let me know ☺️❤️

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