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Ali's P.O.V

September 8th was such a beautiful sunny day. It would make an even better day for Emily and I to get married today, it also happens to be the anniversary of the first day we kissed.

We planned two years for this day to happen. The girls went to daycare while Emily and I worked as well as took college classes to better our futures. It was a rough two years the girls were better at sleeping but so mobile it made it rough to keep up. I didn't know if our relationship could withstand two toddlers and their needs as well as our own personal ones. I'm taking classes in hopes to become a teacher soon I've been working afternoons and taking morning classes and just having enough time to eat dinner with the girls and help Em put them to bed.

We were so busy throughout the day by the end of the night we crashed and the routine repeated. It was more like having a roommate than a fiancée. We fought about it constantly, but we realized we needed to set aside time for one another and make it work instead of giving up like we both felt like what was going to happen. It worked, I know I'm overthinking all of it but to be this far is a blessing.

Now I'm standing in my Cinderella themed wedding dress with my favorite Lily bouquet ready to marry the love of my life.

Spencer, Aria, and Hanna all were wearing turquoise blue gowns. Toby, Ezra and Caleb all stood alongside Emily. Emily surprisingly pulled off an all a semi long tight dress to show off her curves. Her hair was curled but brushed out making it voluminous while Alison had her hair up and a few curls to frame her face.

Slowly the music started up after the Emilia and Isabella threw petals down the aisle grinning from ear to ear. Emily first was walked down the aisle by her father. Being his only kid he kept ahold of himself but seeing his daughter so happy and in love was nothing short of a tear jerker for him as well as Pam who sat with the twins when they were finished. Her parents never came around to the idea of the twins or even being with Emily which hurt for a long time but it was their loss of missing out on such an amazing journey of her life. But Jason, as much as he tormented her growing up stood beside her ready to give her away to Emily. He accepted her for all she was and always did. This was a special moment for him, his parents were idiots for not wanting to be here. Slowly Alison and Jason made their way down the aisle. He helped pull back Alison's veil and lightly squeezed her hand as he stood beside the other boys.

"Never in a million years would I think I'd be standing in front of the woman of my dreams. You've supported me more than anyone I know.." Alison smiled as she fought back tears. "From allowing me to finish school and helping me with going to college and most importantly helping raise our two beautiful little girls. You had no obligation to do so but you stuck by me through it all. It was hard but we got through it, I know with you by my side we can accomplish anything in life." Alison smiled as she held Emily's hands in hers. "From the first kiss we had I knew you were someone special. You were the one person I had an immediate connection with and I'm glad even though times got rough we got to make it here today." Emily let her eyes water up but held it back. "You have us two gorgeous, smart girls that I couldn't picture my life without. I can't wait to experience the rest of this crazy wild life with you by my side." Emily squeezes Alison's hands lightly and smiled.

"Do you Alison take Emily to be your lawful wedded wife?" The priest asked. "I do." Alison said smiling lovingly as Emily. "And do you Emily take Alison to be your lawful wedded wife?" "I do." She grinned as they slipped their rings onto one another's fingers. "You May now kiss your bride." Slowly both girls leaned in and kissed deeply and passionately as all their friends and family began tearing up watching them seal the deal with a loving kiss. Nothing could've made this day any better.

Sorry for the time skip I was running out of ideas but wanted to do an update. I hope you all still enjoyed it ❤️ let me know if you want anymore chapters or if you'd like for this to be the end ☺️❤️

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