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Emily was teaching girls swimming, she was strict but when competitions were over everyone got to have a good laugh with her and she was less stressed. She had the need to be perfect in Beacon Heights even more so than she did in Rosewood. It was stressful but she was handling it like a champ while Ali dealt with the drama of her students. The murderer hasn't been caught yet and she's still being framed for it. Emily knew Alison needed this validation that she was a good person by helping these three students but she was beginning to feel like she was losing Ali into a rabbit hole of it all.

"Mrs. Fields I can't believe we won again, you're literally the best swim coach this school has ever seen!" Her student Addison exclaimed to her. It brought Emily out of her thoughts and she smiled at Addison. "Thank you Addison, I really appreciate that. It's times like this that make being a coach worth it all." Addison bit her lip and smiled as she glanced Emily up and down real quick and walked back to the small group of girls who were having a victory pizza celebration.

Emily felt a little off about the look Addison gave her and shook it off. "Weird.." she whispered and shook her head as she joined the girls and told some stories of all the things they've been up too and how nervous they are for the finals for the semester coming up. As the girls cleared out Addison stayed a little longer. "Everything okay Addison?" Emily looked at her a little concerned as she saw the look on her face. "I'm nervous.. I have this secret and I don't want people to change how they feel about me. How did you know you liked girls?" Addison blurted our abruptly at the end. "I uh.." Emily never really prepared herself for this conversation even for Bella and Em she didn't think about it either. "Wow.. well I dated a few guys and talked to guys but they never gave me that spark I was told my whole life I would get with them. Then I had my very first girlfriend Maya, first we were friends and the spark was just there and that's how I knew I liked girls. I mean granted I'd look at girls but I would force myself to believe what wasn't true, I was suppose to be with a man. I was a lesbian it just took me some time to figure it out." Emily tried to explain simply but it wasn't as easy as she assumed it would be to reopen those memories that made her miserable. She smiled as Addison got a spark of inspiration from what she heard. "I really like this girl and I feel the spark but my parents and friends would never see me the same again. It worries me to lose it all." Addison sighed as she lost all hope in telling people the truth. "Addison you can live for others, be open and honest with yourself, at the end of the day the only opinion that counts is yours." Emily sat next to her and lightly rubbed her back.

Addison looked down and embraced Emily's touch, she quickly looked over at Emily and planted her lips against hers. Emily was stunned and quickly moved away. "Woah that's not what I mean when I said open and honest." Emily furrowed her eyebrows slowly processing what just occurred. Addison looked nervous. "I..I like you a lot Mrs.Fields married or not if I didn't take my chance I may never of gotten one." Addison smirked as she quickly gathered her things and walked out of the gym.

Emily was stunned, she wasn't even sure where to begin she just knew Ali was about to be so pissed off. Emily fathered her stuff from her office and walked out the gym. She felt like eyes were all on her from something she didn't even do. She drove home and replayed the moment over and over to see what she could've done differently but she still felt guilty. She married the person who first kissed her as the swim coach, she lost a lot from the kiss alone. Addison is so vengeful she can't lose her family and job over a measly kiss.

Alison greeted Emily at the front door with a huge smile which quickly turned to worry as she saw her face not looking as excited. "Em are you alright?" Alison asked as they sat in the living room. "I think I could lose my job over something I didn't know was going to happen.." she said blankly. "What do you mean Emily?" Alison held Emily to comfort her. "Addison was talking to me, she was asking how I knew if I liked girls or not and then when I tried nicely comforting her.. she kissed me." Emily said disappointed in not being able to change what happened. "She what!?" Alison spike loudly, almost yelling. "I moved away the minute she did it but she's a vengeful filled girl she always gets her way. She's the most competitive swimmer we have and I know they'll make it so I can't do anything to her about what she did. I don't even know what to do." Emily sighed and put her head in her hands. Alison lightly rubbed her back. "Brings you back to Rosewood High huh?" Alison teased at the memory. Emily couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. "Ali this is serious, her parents donate so much money to the team they won't let me do anything I have to act like it never happened. But your kiss was my favorite." Alison furrowed her brows "It better have been, I went through hell after that kiss and so did you but we came out victorious." She smiled. "Don't worry Em, everything will be fine maybe it was a dare or something." Alison tried to think of what it could've been but she was still mad inside that someone had the nerve to kiss her wife.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought and if I should keep the Addison story plot in it or just cut it out after this💜

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