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It was Saturday night, Emily and Alison were cuddled up again in Emily's bed watching a movie together. Alison had on a lacy tank top in black with shorts on that stopped right above the middle of her thigh. She was more so teasing Emily, a preview of what could potentially happen in the future with them together. Emily was wearing pajama pants and a tank top. They were both pretty casual but Alison was showing a little more making it a sexy causal for her.

Emily had looked through Ali's file at school, she had seen the year that she missed and which was why she had to repeat her junior year rather than be a senior. Emily was a little curious as to why Alison had never brought it up. Emily could stop the words coming out her mouth if she wanted to. "Hey Ali, I had to look through everyone's file and see if they were up to date with their physicals to continue swimming and well you missed a year of school.. you never mentioned that.." Emily immediately regretted every word that just spilled uncontrollably out of her mouth, she hated to pry into super personal parts of Ali's life.

Alison felt her mouth dry out completely, she could barely muster up the courage to speak. She slowly moved away from Emily and could see she didn't mean any harm by asking, she could see the guilt on her face for even asking. "I guess now is the time to tell you everything else that happened with uh Ian." Alison was a little shaky, Emily grabbed her hand and held it as she slowly rubbed her arm as she sat up with Ali.

"Ian like I said was overprotective.. our first time was forced by him just like many more times that followed that. I know now that it wasn't right what he was doing but I was naive cause of my love for him. He got abusive cause of the guys that tried to flirt with me, he blamed me saying I was asking for their attention." Alison had tears streaming down her face as she relived all her painful memories with Ian but what Ali said next shocked Emily, it was more than what she expected.

"When I was 17 and ready to start my junior year..I found out I was pregnant. Ian denied it was his cause he was always protected and said I cheated on him. I thought he was going to kill me honestly with the look in his eyes. I told my parents and they were furious, they didn't want me to ruin their reputation and Rosewood so I had to stay with my Grandma in Georgia." Alison sniffed as she tried hard to fight back more tears.

"I felt safe cause I was away from Ian and Im not really sure where he is now and it still scares me sometimes that he'll come back. But I was all alone. I got attached to the baby, I was having a little girl, my little girl." Alison started to cry harder and Emily pulled her close and Ali rested her head against Emily's chest. "Even though I went through hell with..with Ian. That baby was mine too and I wanted so badly to be her mother. But my parents wouldn't allow it, so...I-I had to give her up for adoption. The worst thing was, no one even cared when I went into labor and had her. I-I was so alone." Alison stammered as she cried even more. Emily rubbed her back softly and held her tighter.

"Ali I'm so sorry, I feel horrible for making you relive that. But you're not alone, you'll always have me. I wish I could've been there for you. I can't fill your void, but I'll always be here. I promise you that." Emily felt her eyes sting with tears, she never realized Alison had gone through so much in such a short period of time. But from that moment on she would always protect Alison, no matter what.

This chapter definitely took a dark turn, but I hope you enjoyed finally knowing everything that happened to Ali. Let me know what you thought of it. The next chapter will be cuter I'm going to skip ahead to their date in New York City. 😊

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