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Emily was enjoying her time with Alison and their daughters walking through the sunflower fields. She never felt so at peace even with how confused she was, she was living in this moment peacefully. They were a family, her very own family. To think she fell in love with her student and they made it this far in life with children made her heart grow even more just glancing over as the sunlight hit Ali's face just right, she was perfect from her blonde her to her eyes and that smile.

Emily's happiness quickly faded as she felt herself getting dizzy and the sunflower field she was in began to spin.. she collapsed to the grass and held her head. She knew Alison was panicking but remained calm for Emily's sake. "It's okay Em, you'll be this happy with me again. Go back to where you're meant to be." Was the last thing Emily could hear as everything went dark.

Inside the hospital Emily shot up from her hospital bed gasping for breath as she felt like she had risen from the dead. She touched everything around her and knew the hospital was her reality. She looked over to see a very pregnant Alison at her bedside with lightly tear stained cheeks as she slept. Emily couldn't help but smile a little knowing Ali hadn't left her side, pregnant and uncomfortable she sat beside her. "Ali.." Emily said softly. Alison shifted lightly but no where close to waking up. "Alison!" Emily said a little louder, she felt bad for waking up Ali but the look on Ali's face seeing her awake made it worth it.

Alison jumped up to see Emily sitting up in the hospital bed. "E..Emily!" Alison rushed over to her engulfing her in the biggest hug she could manage. "I missed you so much! You didn't forget about me!" Alison said so quickly she was barely audible to Emily. "How could I forget you?" Emily looked puzzled. "The doctors wouldn't know if you suffered from amnesia till you woke up and I'm just so happy you didn't forget about me." Alison bit her lower lip as she looked into Emily's eyes. "I dreamt about you the whole time, even this one." Emily placed her hand on Ali's stomach. "We had twin girls, it was crazy yet amazing but it didn't feel right missing so much and being confused I'm so happy I didn't miss anything." Emily said as she leaned back on the bed. "I'm happy you didn't miss anything either cause this baby is coming soon and I didnt want to go through this without you." Alison smiled as they both felt the baby kick. "Twin girls huh? That would be a wonderful yet scary surprise. Might explain why I'm enormous though." Ali couldn't help but let out a soft giggle that made Emily's heart melt. Emily knew this was where she was meant to be and everything finally felt right all they need know was their beautiful baby to join them.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I think Alison is going to have the baby soon and how do you feel about the surprise twins? Gender and name suggestions would be very appreciated below 💓💓

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