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Alison was about to start finishing up her class, it had been a rough week for the students, finals were about to start and everyone was on edge. The murder wasn't solved yet and it was taking a toll on everyone. Alison was spending so much time grading papers and preparing intricate lessons she failed to realize her time with Emily and the girls were being affected by it again.

On her way back home Alison grabbed take out for dinner, Chinese food which was Emily's favorite. She wanted to make sure Emily didn't feel left out of everything since she made a huge life change coming all this way just for Ali.
"Mommy!!" She heard small feet running towards her, she put the bag of food down and leaned to their level to hug Emmy and Bella tightly. "How was school?" Alison smiled at them. "I love it but Bella said that nothing is better than Rosewood." Emilia crossed her arms and glared at Bella who was starting to get nervous of the glare. "Bella you really didn't enjoy it?" Alison bit her lip, she never realized how much it would really affect the girls since they were still young.

The girls followed closely behind Alison into the kitchen as Ali prepared plates of food. Emily greeted her inside the kitchen with a kiss. "Bella isn't a fan of school." Alison looked at Em nervously. "They're mean mom, Emmy has friends and they don't like me." Bella sighed and sat at the kitchen table waiting for her food. "Baby I'm sure they like you, you're just as amazing as your sister how could they not?" Alison sat next to Isabella and placed her plate in front of her. "Cause we look alike, they only want one not two of us." Alison sighed sadly. She never realized that they would have a problem like this. Twins weren't extinct but weren't any less common she couldn't understand why they wouldn't love Bella the same. "Emilia what's the real reason why they don't like her?" Emily looked at her sternly. "Cause I..I didn't want to share friends again like back home I wanted them for myself so I said they had to choose me and then did.." Emilia said softly and looked down. "You don't like me?!" Bella looked so hurt she had tears creeping slowly out of her eyes.

Alison and Emily looked at one another a little stunned. They were so young to already be having fights like this they thought they had until they were at least in high school. "Emilia Lauren, you better tell your friends at school to be nicer to Isabella. You're her big sister and you're suppose to be there for her not hurt her." Alison said sternly. "No tv for a week." Alison lightly rubbed her temples. "I'm sorry Bella, I love you." Emilia said softly as she walked around the table to hug her. "I love you too Emmy." Bella softly sniffled as she and her sister smiled at one another.

As dinner finished Emilia was out to bed a little earlier as part of the punishment for what she did. "Mommy are you going to come home earlier more?" Bella asked as she cuddled up next to Alison on the couch. "Of course I will, this week was just really busy but I promise it won't always be like this." Alison smiled as she held Bella close to her and saw Emily joining them on the couch she smiled. "Can I join this cuddle session too?" Emily smiled at the two of them as they both opened their arms. "I love you mommy's." Bella said softly as she soon fell asleep between Emily and Alison on the couch. Carefully Emily moved her to her bed and Alison and Emily got ready for bed as well.

"I can't believe Emilia would do that to her sister." Alison was still hurt by earliers dinner conversation. "They're always going to want to be number one it kinda comes with the territory of having an identical. Once they can learn the differences that make them unique it won't be as big of a deal." Emily smiled as Alison laid her head on Emily's chest. "But still, I'm afraid Emmy will become the mean girl I once was I don't want that." Alison felt relieved as she expressed her worry. "Ali, you learned from your mistakes to be able to teach others not to follow what you did. You'll do the same with the girls. We've done amazing so far, I doubt they'll be anything less than that." Emily reassured her. Alison felt relieved knowing Emily felt she was doing a good job at being a mom. "Good thing it's just them two right now and we don't have to worry about more sibling fights." Emily laughed. "Right now?" Alison raises her eyebrow with a grin. "You'd want more kids?" Alison smirked at Emily. "Well I mean only if we both agreed on it then of course we have some pretty amazing kids it would be a shame to not have more than two." Emily smiled as Alison kissed her. "I'm so relieved you want more cause baby fever is so real." Alison's and Emily laughed as they laid awake for a little while longer planning a more detailed future for themselves.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think about an extended family in the future ☺️💜

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