One condition

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I woke up the next day with my sore hand, i looked around it was 7:30 so that means only 30 minutes left I got up rushing to the shower, I stripped myself and jumped in the shower i was out of there in five minutes so i could change into something slowly deciding aa good combination, I didnt wanna look like a clown. I got out and looked through my closet..

 I got out and looked through my closet

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I pulled out something cute and casual. I went down stairs realizing I cant drive because of my hand mom had already left and it was only me left at home. I texted Grayson if he could give me a ride..


me: Hey gray where r u right now

Gray: I was heading to school why I'm still at home tho why?

me: I cant drive to school right now can u come pick me up?

Gray: Oh yeah I totally forgot, buuuuutttt only on one condition

Me: what?

Gray: you owe me a kiss

Me: Fine! just come pick me up, I'm ready

Gray: see ya

Well I got  a ride to school I grabbed my nike schoolbag and grabbed my phone and went through my instagram. Soon Grayson came and knocked on the door I opened the door and ran outside and got in. I sat in the car and smiled at Grayson, we looked at each other for a few seconds I smiled and smashed my lips on his. I felt him grab my waist and pull me closer on to his lap, I opened my eyes and pulled away he smiled and said" why did you pull away" I smiled and sat back down on the passenger seat and told him "I kissed you because i owe you one" He smiled and reversed out of the drive way heading towards school I got out of the car as soon as he parked and gave him a hug for the ride but he gave me a peck on the lips in return I blushed and walked off. 

I walked towards the entrance of the school and saw Nate against my locker, I felt my heart beat slow down. I walked up to my locker pushing nate over, he looked a little bit in pain after the punch. 

"Hey.. Cam" Nate said softly

Umm Hi nate I dont really know what to say right now but Im sorry I was just really mad at you for making out with her and then flirting with me i just dont want her to be hurt by you she has had a crush on you ever since she saw you" I said out of breath

"WHOA WHOA WHOA dude chill, I know she is truely beautiful i wanted to say sorry about kssing you " he said 

"Its okay i gtg " i said and gave him a hug

"Bye Cam" he said and smiled

I have first period free so I thought about going for a work out I knew that I was the only girl that liked to work out there so there are many boys there I then texted May asking if she could come but she said no and then I texted hannah and she said maybe so I just let it be and went on my own. I went into the girls changing room seeing no one there so I quickly pulled out my nike sports bra and shorts and went straight to the gym. I saw Grayson there on the treadmill and alex on the pull up bar and other boys that were just chillin near the mirrors and checking themselves out. I went up to the treadmill next to grayson and put my headphones I felt someone lift me up and soon i was on grayson shoulders while he was running on the treadmill

"Put me down grayson I need to workout!!!" I yelled everyone was looking at us like  what??

"One condition" he said 

"Fine I will kiss you" I said

"Deal!, now put me down" I screamed, he put me down and as soon as I got off I gave him a kiss on the cheek and began to run my 8 miles

"WHAT WAS THAT CAMERON!!!!" he yelled, i turned around and hopped off the treadmill right in front of him and smashed my lips on his helping him relax so he doesn't have a break down. I pulled away and he smiled and we both continued running like no one was watching.When I finished my eight miles I went and showered and got changed into a different outfit.

When I finished my eight miles I went and showered and got changed into a different outfit

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I got changed into a cute summer outfit and out my hair into a cute messy bun.I headed to my first class with Ethan I walked in and saw Ethan sitting there on his own waiting for his students I was surprised I was the first one there even after a workout.I sat down and texted May


me:Hey.. u still mad at me??

may: nahh u apoligized right??

me: yeah i felt bad 

may : where r u now 

me : history class

May: shame i have a free period haha

me: Lol where r u now?

may: basketball courts with nate

me: aww get em girl 

may: i heard the history teacher is hot af

me: ikr he is right infront of me right now grading papers, his fly is open;)

may: haha see ya in 30 minutes meet me at the football fields

Me: sure see ya there.. i need to tell u something btw

Ethan's POV

I look up to see Cameron smiling at her phone. She is so cute when she smiles. She was so dreamy, she ran a hand through her hair and looked at me

" Mr Dolan?" she said 

"Yeah?" I said opening my eyes

"your fly is open" she said while laughing her ass off. I looked down to see it was open i zipped it up.

"Thank you" i replied, soon the class filled up and I started writing on the board

I wrote down a few equations for the class on to the board and sat down at my desk a few minutes later  i saw that Cam wasnt writing anything down I looked up at her face and saw her biting her lip, she was turning me on but I held it in..

YYOOOOO long story short next chapter is juicy 



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