I know.

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Graysons POV
I woke up and felt a little cold I looked around and Bianca wasn't there I look around the room, I couldn't see her anywhere. The whole house was silent. I hurry out to bed and sprint down the statues.
"BIANCA?!" I scream
"BIANCA GODAMNIT !?" I scream even louder as my eyes started to tear up. I heard her soft gasp from Cameron's room. She was peaking through the door looking at me.
"Grayson I'm right here baby, I'm here" she softly whispers coming out from behind the door. She smiled and held her hand out for me to hold.
"Come here.." she quietly says. I reach for her hand and she pulls me towards her slowly till I was against her chest. I felt her chest going up and down with light breaths I could hear. I smile and kiss her collarbone.
"I'm here...and I'm not going anywhere sugar"
Her quiet words made me smile and I look up at her. She plants a kiss on my nose and then pulls away from me. And looks into Cameron's room. She pulls me to look a peek my head in and see Cameron and Kian asleep cuddle each other. I smile and look at Bianca 💕
Bianca's POV
Grayson and I just had breakfast and now we were on the couch sitting with Ethan. I sat on the end and Grayson sat in the middle. I shuffle closer to him and put a blanket over him since it was really cold. Ethan had his own and he was passed out with his head hanging backward. I wrap my leg around his waist and one of my hands around his neck.
"Feeling cold sugar" I muffle into his chest. I felt him nod and shuffle closer and cuddle him more. He kisses my head and then suddenly he gets up.
"Aight you have 15 minutes to get ready I'm taking you out" he smiles patting my head. I moan and throw my head back annoyed.
"Don't moan just yet princess wait till tonight" he winks
"Okay I'm looking forward to that but where are we going now " I laugh sitting up.
"I don't know, we'll see" He smiles at me
"What?..just tell me," I raise an eyebrow.
"Just go get ready sugar" He pleads looking at me with puppy eyes.
"Fine lemme change, I'll be down in 5" I laugh walking up the stairs. 

I get dressed in a pair of skinny white ripped jeans and a half cut white Adidas hoodie. I rub some face cream over my face and threw my makeup aside. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and walked downstairs wearing a pair of simple white vans. I see Grayson down there waiting in the same spot as before. I hop off the second to last step onto the floor and walk towards him. 

"Aight, let's go,"  I say walking towards him shoving my phone into my pocket. I smile at him.

We walked down to the park near his house. His hand intertwines with mine. I smile and look up to see him smiling at me. I noticed that ever since we started walking he's been looking at me and smiling. I looked down and blushed thinking about it.
"You know I can see you blushing sugar," Grayson says kissing my knuckles
"You know I noticed you smiling at me the whole time bubba" I laugh and he smiles

We walked for a few more minutes, every now and then he'd look down at me giving me a weird tension between us. It worried me but I was scared to say something. I look around to see we were in some sort of garden. 

"Do you know where we are?" I ask Grayson stopping to examine the place, fascinated. 
"I know exactly where we are" He blushes as he continues to walk. I smile confused.
"Why are you blushing" I laugh holding his hand stopping him. He walks towards me and brings his head down to my level. 
"Just keep walking and you'll see," He says placing a gentle peck on my lips. He smiles and reaches his hand out for me to hold.

Grabbing onto his hands he leads me through a few walkways filled with roses of all sorts of different colors. Until we got to a dead end. It formed a huge circle around us there were tall trees around us that had light pink blossoms growing on them. In front of me stood a white blank canvas I look at it and then squint my eyes in confusion. I look over at Grayson to see him smiling bigger than ever. I took a step forward as I stood on something. It had something written on it. look up. 

Still confused I look up and see a splash of pain drop down onto the canvas. It marked all these line which slowly formed words. I smiled bigger and bigger seeing the words. I press my lips together. When it was done I finally read it.

"will you marry me?" I whispered. Tears forming in my eyes I look around me and see Grayson nowhere. I turn around and see him on one knee. My heart stopped and then started to beat faster and faster. His perfect hair slowly fell down to his face and his eyes were filled with so much love
"Bianca Robson, will you marry me?" He smiles running a hand through his hair. that damn smile got me going insane. I laugh and then shake my head at him
"ew no get out" I say rudely to him. He moves back and then looks at me as his smile slowly faded. 
"IM JOKING BUBBA OF FUCKING COURSE" I yell letting my tears fall. I laugh while crying and hold him close to me. He looks at me in tears. Which slipped down.
"Aww nuuu, baby don't cry," I say pouting kissing him.

"I love you so much" Grayson cries into my neck
"I love you too" I smile.


I hit you with that :)
i love yalllll

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