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We decided to walk, since it was a beautiful day. My arm was linked with his and my other arm flowed in the air. I exhaled and inhaled. 
"Bianca" Grayson softly whispers
"Yeah" I answer making eye contact.
"Im sorry"  he whispers with tears in his eyes. 
"Grayson dont cry, it okay, I've always loved you. Second chances are a thing" I say stopping him in his tracks
"You're willing to give me a chance" He questions, I nod and peck his lips
"Grayson Bailey Dolan, I love you" I say this time kissing him, he kisses me back. People awe around us, and I pull away.
"Can we get food Im hungry." He whines
"Sure" I say

We walk to Dunkin Donuts after grabbing coffee from Starbucks. We get a box of donuts and walk to the park. We sit down on one of the benches near one of these cute rose bushes. I smile At Grayson who had icing on his nose
"What" He questions
"Nothing" I say giggling, he send me a liar look and then checks his phone. I giggle and he wipes it off.

I saw Grayson with a worried look. 
"What happened" I whisper
"Its your Ex, hes behind you with Amber" He says
"Fuck" I mumble
"Lets go" I blurt out grabbing his hand. We fast walk and I make slight contact with Kaden. I saw him making his way over but I kept walking. I only had one option. 

I pushed Grayson against the tree and smash my lips against his. I wrapped my legs around his waist so we were close enough for Kaden not to see. Grayson kissed back with passion and we carried on kissing. I realized Kaden had turned back to Amber. But I kept kissing him it felt so right. I pulled away and smiled. He still had a hold of me. So he swung me around his shoulder so its a piggy back ride. We walk towards our direction. It was only me, Ethan and Grayson now. In the house. We received money from their parents until we get jobs. 

Me and Grayson were back home and I change into some shorts and a over sized maverick hoodie. Ethan was chilling on the bean bag while me and Grayson layed on separate couches.
"Dude, this is boring" I say pulling out a Dorito from the Doritos bag
"I know right" Ethan agree
"What do you guys wanna do" I ask putting a chip in my mouth
"Party!!!!" Grayson squeals

"You sound like a five year old girl" I giggle. 
"Yeah we should have a party"Ethan agrees, I nod not wanting to be the buzz kill.
"Okay cool, today?" I question, and they nod. 
"How big of a party" I investigate
"Whole school?' Ethan suggests, and grayson nods. I nod back with a smile.

After a few hours of setting up the drinks, food, DJ and what not we all started to get ready in our rooms. I looked around for something good to wear for about ten minutes. . I took a shower and wore my outfit.

I did my make up and put my hair down

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I did my make up and put my hair down. I walked downstairs to see that the house was packed. I was just about to grab a drink until someone pushed it away. Of course it had to be amber.
"What bitch, gonna go cry to your boyfriend about it" She starts.
"Of course not you concussion looking cunt, imma do this" I reply smacking her hard across the face, she fell to the ground and her drink spilled on her. I grab my drink and tipped it on her as well. People start to ooh .I roll my eyes and she stands up.
"Oh no you didnt" She sassed as she slapped me.
"Yes I did, get out of my house you slut, no one invited you" I reply pushing her again but kicking her in the stomach. She stands up and pulls my hair and spit on me. I was about to punch her but I was held back. It was Ethan and he sends me a 'dont do it' look. So I grab her by her hair and drag her towards the door.
"Don't disrespect me in my own house little bitch, get the fuck out. Party is over for you, dont come back with you're paper flat ass again, " I say pushing her out the door.
"Your gonna regret that Robson" she yells
"You already did Gilbert" I yell pulling the finger

I turn back and everyone was staring at me
"Typical and Tragic Amber, who the fuck invited her" I laugh, everyone goes back to partying.

I change into high waist black shorts and a white long sleeve tank top. I walk out, I see Grayson in the crowd with some girl grinding on him. My heart broke of the thought, but he was probably drunk so I let it slide. Plus its been at least 5 hours since this party started. I go to Grayson and push the girl off of him. I take him up to my room and lay him on my bed. He was giggling like a little baby. He was so cute. I get a quick pick of him laughing and giggling and put my phone back in my pocket.
"No B, lay with me" he says holding my wrists
"I cant Grayson, I gotta help Ethan" I reply
"You love Ethan more than me!" He yells, which scared me.
"Grayson you're drunk" I say yanking my arm away from him.
"No im not" He fights. holding my wrists again
"Grayson go to sleep" I say
"I knew you were cheating on me with Ethan, no one loves me, everyone likes Ethan" He cries
"Grayson baby dont cry, I love you and only you, and all of us love you, I just gotta help Ethan clean the house" I say pulling my arm
"Oh *hiccup* Yeah I forgot about *hiccup that" he giggle, 
"Go to sleep" I giggle and shut the door

After an hour or two of cleaning up with Ethan, I slowly peek into my room and see Grayson cuddled up in my bed with the sheets. I lay next to him and his arms and legs shuffle around and then wrap around my waist. His hand were around my stomach and his head dug into my back.

Hey guyyyss!!!

I might be ending this book soon 

since no one really seems interested...

Comment, vote and whatever the other shit was 

idk follow if u like



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