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The doctor burst through the door with a huge smile on his face. He looked at Lisa and then at Sean. He smiled even bigger and then looked at me.
"You guys can go in" He says still smiling

We all walk in as we see Grayson smiling slightly but laying down with tears in his eyes. Ethans jaw dropped as he started crying as Lisa and Sean went over to him immediately. Cameron stood there shook as she cried into my shoulder. I didnt know what to say or how to feel. I stood there with a blank mind. I stepped back a little and then left the room. I let Grayson have his moment in the room with his family. I stepped outside as I thought about the past few days. The whole prank, the break up, the death that happened not long ago. I didnt know if we were meant to be, god just always seems to bless me and let him have me in his life. I apologized way too many times for him to love me again. I just want to be friends if he aint down for relationships anymore. 

Ethan and the rest of the family walk out all smiling after 30 minutes or so. I walk back in nervously as I see Grayson sitting up on the bed drinking a glass of water. He looked at me and then looks down. I felt my heart beat faster as tears started to form again. 
"Gray.." my voice cracked.

"Bianca.." He replies as a tear fell down my cheek. 

I cry and cry and walk over to him. The closer I got the more tears came out. I missed him so much. My eyes were bloodshot from before. I instantly held him in my arms so tight. His chin rested on my shoulder as he held me back tight and had his hands around my waist. 
"Ssh its okay...Im here now, dont worry" He said as he rubbed my back in comfort. I cried even more as I wrapped my legs around
"Grayson I'm sorry....Im so sorry" I cried as I held him even tighter 
"I forgive you princess dont worry im here now" He smiles as I let go of him.

"Dont cry Bianca" He said wiping my tears away. 

||2 months later||

"Stop Grayson give it back....I swear to god" I yell running after him 
"No I wanna read it!" He yells back. We run into his room as I tackle him down onto the bed.
"Give it here" I whine trying to take it back. I try to snatch the book off him as I straddled his crotch and reached over while my boobs hanged down low in his face. His faced turn read as the door handle turned and Graysons current girlfriend Viola walked in. Her eyes widened as she stood there with a death glare on her face crossing her arms over her chest.
"Okay its not what it looks like" Grayson groans

"Ugh well I dont think its anything else then you about to fuck this hoe" She yells.
"Lower your voice bitch this is my house" I laugh
"Shut up slut" She glares
"Says you...every time you come over we can see you're nipples bitch get a bra I can see half of your butt cheeks get some underwear honey" I laugh
"I knew you were cheating on me Grayson..every time I come over you're always with this bitch and it pisses me that you always laughing with her and she always hugging and touching you" She screams as she starts crying. all her make up ran down her face as I laughed hard.
"CAKEFACE get the fuck out of my house. Yo jealous ass wont ever understand love. Also he aint cheating you cheating and I know you are. When you came over yesterday I saw your phone and it was a message from a guy. Luke?" I yell back as I saw hurt in Graysons eyes. I handed him my phone as he stared at all the messages. I click my knuckles.
"Bish you better run before I efffin drag you by your hair extensions and throw you out o my window" I shout in her face and she wiped her face and ran out of my house. 

Graysons POV

It was true she cheated on me. I was somewhat upset but then I got over it in a few days. I've been in my room for the past few days. Bianca still lives in the other house. she visits everyday to check up on me and Ethan. We were great friends. Viola would try to meet me but then Ethan would kick her out. Each other day Ethan would always have another chick in the house and they'd be fucking next door. Today was one of those days. I put my head phones in and played Used to be by AJ Mitchell. Half way through the song I was interrupted.

"Oh Ethan go faster daddy"
"Cum for me baby girl
"Ooh fuck me up Ethan"

"Fuck....f-fuck...right there"
"I-i-m gonna cum" 
"yes yes yes yes"
"V-viola baby suck me off"

Viola? Ew! I scrunch my nose in disgust then grab my wallet and phone. I leave the house still disgusted and head to Biancas.

Heyo I noticed how in one of my chapters I had mistaken the name "Bianca" for "Manny" 

Lmao truly sorry its just that im writing two books and sometimes i forget. But the official name is Bianca.

Short chapter 

i hope you liked it

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