Secret Identity

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 "Don't question me about this room because I'm about to show you who I used to be," I tell him. Ethan nods and looks into my eyes. I move to aside and open the door revealing whats in the room. 

Ethan's POV

She opened a maroon colored door which just made my mind rise in curiosity. The room was dark so I couldn't see from standing outside. She turns to turn on the lights, she flipped the switch and the light spread across the room finally revealing what was in the room. I stood there in silence not knowing what to say. The room was somewhat scary but it made suspicion rise. I look at Bianca whose clearly serious about her past. I enter the room nervously. 
"I use to be a Secret Agent, still am. And still, have the 'Agent' in me" She says gesturing to the room. I look at her. I carefully examined the room seeing all sorts of tools and files across the room which I assumed her cases she's been through. I walk around the room. Seeing all sorts of weapons. Bats, batons, shotguns, pistols, snipers, whips. There was the craziest stuff in here she had a bat with nails sticking out. She had the sharpest pocket knife hanging against the walls. She had all these badges. Her certificates and medals. She had all tools and gadgets in there. It was incredible, it shocks me that she has used all these and served the world somehow. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Bianca.
"Look...I know your shoc-" She starts.
"Did you retire or were you suspended?" I ask curiously.
"I had college and stuff to look up to so I told them I need a break" she sighs. 
"So you still part of the agency?" I question. She nods folding her arms.
"Why didn't you tell us" I sigh.
"I'll explain later okay?....we still need to find Grayson," she says. 

Bianca's POV

Ethan left me in the room which made me wonder if he was mad. But then he came out dressed in full black. 
"Let's do it," he says. I raise an eyebrow and smile. I put on my leather jacket on top of my black top and black leather tights. I put on my black boots and then grab my guns and gadgets.
"Ever used a gun before" I turn towards Ethan forwarding the gun at him. He shakes his head nervously. 
"Okay. listen carefully" I say. his eyes focused on mine I start to demonstrate physically.
"Point the gun and pull the trigger" I shoot towards a painting leaving a hole in it. He looks at me crazily. I hand him the gun and he puts it in his pocket.

I grab the rest of the stuff I find important and pick up my phone and dial numbers.
"Hello?" the deep voice questions.
"Leslie...I'm back on the road meet me at the abandoned warehouse in 10 okay?" I demand.
"JUST MEET ME THERE GODAMNIT!" I yell and put the phone I put my phone down worried.
"Let's go," I say grabbing Ethan's hand. We get into my car and drive. I was going really fast but I didn't care. I hit the gas pedal harder and stopped right in front of the warehouse. I hit the breaks really hard making Ethan fly out of his seat. 
"that's why you wear your seatbelt" I roll my eyes and get outta the car.
"Hurry up Ethan" I groan walking fast towards the door to get in.

Grayson's POV

I struggle to get out of Viola's stupid chains that firmly fit around my wrist.  I give up and lay back on the board she tied me to. I groan in anger and then kick my feet around which those morons had left open. I groan and rest my head back on the plank of wood. I hear shuffling that came closer and closer. I then everything went black I was still awake. I was confused till I realized someone had blindfolded me real quick. I groan again as I couldn't move my head. Then my legs were also stuck against the board. I sigh in annoyance. 
"What the fuck Viola, you fucking crazy ass hoe let me go you fucking girl scout cookie eating butternut squash looking bitch!" I yell angrily. I started to feel something wet on my dick making my dick go hard I squeeze my eyes shut still blindfolded. It got even wetter as the person kept sucking. I assumed it was Viola, My knees were still able to move. I forcefully lift my knee hitting someone in there cheekbone. She screamed and screamed till they all stopped and I felt a sharp pain in my thigh.  I knew it was a pocket knife, it was being twisted around in my thigh. I groan in pain as my eyes that are shut are starting to let tears out. 

Ethan's POV

"I know a place, Viola showed me this weird abandoned house in the woods a few days ago when we hooked up" I spoke as we all tried to figure out where Grayson is. 
"Do you remember de wae?" Leslie asked folding his arms. I look at Ethan.
"Yes, I do..." I replied rolling my eyes. 

We drive to the abandoned house. As soon as we pull up we hear gunshots, screaming and yelling. We all exchange looks.
"Ethan you and Leslie go around that way and I'll go this way okay?" I run off to the other side of the building where the back door was. I slowly open the door and pop inside slowly closing the door. I heard Grayson screaming and shouting I start to worry and run forward. I look around and see Grayson bleeding like crazy. I look around and slowly walk towards a door that was slightly opened. Grayson lifts his head up weakly and then lets out a smile. I look at him with a relieving sigh escaping my mouth. I was happy to see him but he was covered in blood and he had cuts all over his body. I look around and start to go closer but he signals me to stay. 

Sorry for late chapters school started and shit <3 
Manny :)

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