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Cameron's POV**

 I was so sore I couldn't feel my legs I didn't know what to do. I was sitting near Ethans room I was so scared. Everything didn't go as planned this year was suppose to be filled with happiness and joyfulness. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and shook me around it took me a moment to realize who it was, I could smell him, his cologne, I looked up to see Grayson I didn't knows how to react I looked back down and sat there quietly. I saw all the hickeys in between my thighs, neck, chest. They were everywhere I placed my hand in between my thighs and closed the gap in between them not wanting Grayson to see them. He sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. 

"Cameron?, what happened, please tell me" he  said, I saw a tear drip on to his hand. I looked up to him to see his eyes filled with tears. I chin him up and said " dont cry Grayson, please dont, you're making me feel weak" he wipes his tears away and stares into my eyes

"what happened I new you went to the bar Hannah told me I dont know you disappeared after that I got worried, please tell me why you have hickeys and bruises all over your body." he soflty  whispered while he rubbed my thigh.I moved his hand away

"I was mad at you so what I did was try to forget about you so I went to the club and then Nate-" I was cut off by grayson

"NATE, are u joking?!!!!!, OMG WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU" He shouted

"I knew this would happen" He said running a hand through his hair

" He spiked my drink and took me to some abandoned place and raped me Meredith Mickelson Molestered Ethan, She shot Ethan in the knee and stomach and ran off, wait what you knew."  I cried. I dug my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt his tears drip on to me. I let my tears out I held on to him not wanting him to feel weak and useless

Umm, Cameron Robson?" A lady said walking out of the room Ethan was in.
" Yes thats me" I said standing up
"whats your relation to the patient" she said I looked at Grayson 
"Im her brother she is my girlfriend" He said getting up. I look at him and he gives me the "deal with it" face
" Im afraid I have bad news" she said looking down. Me and grayson both look at her
" he has amnesia" She said. My heart dropped. Grayson fell down into his seat, this time Grayson let all his tears out he rubbed his for head.
"can we meet him" Grayson asks. The nurse nodded and we both went in.

I saw Ethan lying there looking so confused. I saw Grayson stop near the door, he was to hurt to go in and see him like that. I went up to Ethan and placed my hand on his hand. His eyes opened and he quickly removed his hand and looked at me in disgust. 

"who are you, dont touch me" he yelled
" Ethan its me, Cameron, do you remember anything?" I said placing my hand on his hand again
" Where is grayson? I need grayson" He said
"wait you remember him?" I said surprised. I looked at Grayson who came running to Ethan.
" Im right here E, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you do you remember anything else other than me"He said hugging him, Ethan smiled

Graysons POV**

I was so happy he remembered me, I was lost in thoughts that I would lose him and wont ever know him the way I knew him. I didn't know whether he remembered mom and dad. 

"Do you remember anything else" I asked
" before I answer your question, who is the hot one who tried to hold my hand" he whispered
" I heard that E" Cameron said
" Thats Cameron, and believe me or not you guys have fucked" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes and ignored me
"I have a head ache, wait do I have a family?, I dont know" Ethan asked. I looked at Cameron and signaled her to call Mom and Dad.A few minutes later they came in, I saw mom in tears and dad with watery. eyes

" who are you?" Ethan asked. I pulled mom to a side for a sec and told her about the rape,amnesia,Cameron and Meredith. Mom began to cry even more I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"Ethan this is Mom and Dad" I smiled
" OH, I'm sorry I forgot" He said acting innocent. I saw Cameron walk out the door. I told mom to stay with Ethan and told her that I'd be back. I saw Cameron in front of the front desk leaning against the wall crying. I knew she was hurt, she was in so much pain, her mom died, her brother moved away from her, she beat up a kid at school, got suspended and now she got raped. I saw her walk to the elevator all the way I ran down the stairs and followed her, I was about to call her but then I saw Hannah pull up she sat in the car and left. I knew she had Nate's phone so I texted her.

gray: are u okay I saw you leave with Hannah
Cam: Yeah i'm just going home I will see you guys there
Gray: okay I saw you crying can we talk when I'm home
Came: yeah sure..

Cameron's POV**

 I was crying I was so scared I didn't know what to do, I lost my whole family, Im alone now. I went through lots of shit this week. Hannah dropped me off at the dolan house and I knocked on the door. No-one opened I knocked again and Cameron opened it. I pushed her out the way and ran up the stairs in pain my legs were sore, Nate fucked the shit outta me. I went to my room and locked it.
" cam what happened, are you okay" she yelled
"leave me alone" I yelled back. 
I took of the shirt Grayson gave me. I was naked now I stood in front of the mirror and looked at all the bruises and hickeys. I went into the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror I saw scratches and blood. I went into the shower and took a long relaxing shower. I knew that everyone was down there I could hear them talking. I got out and put on some black sweatpants and my black maverick hoodie, with white Nike ankle socks.. I had lost my phone so I needed a new one, I was hungry but I was scared to go down there. I sat there in my room all by myself with my thoughts. I lost everything. Those things repeated in my head over and over again. I was so scared. I heard a knock on the door I unlocked it and saw May standing there. I looked at her

"What the fuck so you want now" I said rudely
"Im sorry, for everything I did, please forgive me I miss you"she cried
" I missed her too and hugged her but I didn't want her to be here so I told her to leave. Then Grayson came I was still crying but when I saw him I wiped my tears. I held the door open and he walked in behind him was three police officers, I sat down on the bed with my arms and legs folded. Grayson came and sat next to me and put his arms around me.

"I need you to tell them what happened when you woke up in the room" He said staring into my eyes
"I wanna talk to you after this, you have some explaining" I said, he nodded and with that I told the officers everything that happened in the room and told them about Meredith.I told them about the shooting and how Nate raped me. My eyes started to get watery but I held the tears back. The police officers thanked me and left the room but Grayson stayed back. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow

"how did you know" I asked he gave me a confused look
"what do you mean?"
"it was the messages from Nate you showed me, I blocked the contact because I didn't want you to know what he said to me. It would of haunted you I was too scared to tell you thats why I ignored you, he threatened that he would hurt you or me" he said. I had enough I couldn't take it anymore I had enough of this friends with benefits thing. I leaned in for a kiss I felt his lips smash on mine. I pulled away and said "are you my boyfriend or not". He looked at me and didn't answer my heart dropped, I had the feeling that he would say no. He got up and ran through the door. My heart sunk but I wasn't going to let Grayson drag me down and make me feel weak. 

Hey guys, how are you guys, what did you think about that chapter

I have been writing all day just to make a really good chapter for yall

Ethan lost his MEMO... will things turn around

Imma leave y'all hanging.. probably will update tomorrow ..

Love y'all



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