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After pizza I started to walk back home with my head phones. I looked up for cars so I could check for cars and cross. I cross the road and then turn left to walk down my street where my new house was. As I was about to walk in I felt someones hand on my hip I turn around to see Ethan. His hand was still on my hip and he just smiled. He looked me in the eye. I slap his hand away and winced in pain. 
"Go away Ethan" I groan reaching for my keys.
"Look I just wanna say sorry for that stupid prank with Grayson death and the old lady was me dressed up. I can tell you really love Grayson" He sighed as he held my keys up, I snatched them off and opened the door.

"Do you wanna come in or you just gonna stand there" I roll my eyes and hold the door open. He walks in and admires my place while I place my bag on the counter along with my phone.
"Nice place" He said smiling.
"Thanks, plus why did you come and meet me at this hour literally its nine and I just had dinner" I laugh as I placed one of my paintings on the wall.
"I dont know I just felt the need to say sorry about that really stupid prank" He sighed looking down.
"Hey hey, its okay I'm fine" I lie
"You sure" he says has his eyes lighten up. But then his phone rang

"Hold on lemme take this" He says as he walked answered the phone.

Ethans POV

Ethan: wassup

Grayson: Where the fuck are you?
Ethan: At Bianca's why?
Grayson: Why are you at her place? I told you to stay away from her.
Ethan: Im just saying sorry for gods sake, you know that was a stupid ass prank

Grayson: I dont care. I dont. 
Ethan: Yes you do
Grayson: She broke my heart because she had sex with you.
Ethan: it was a threesome Grayson she accidentally gave you horny pills
Grayson: I know but she didnt have those pills she still had sex with you

Grayson: I fucking broke up with that other bitch for her and she probably already had sex with you while you were there right?

"What the fuck Grayson" I heard Bianca whisper.
Ethan: Shut up Grayson just shut up. Your being childish she apologized and she knew she fucked up. But you've fucked up many times but she forgave you. and know shes with that other dude you;re getting all jealous about it
Grayson: Im not jealous... I could hear his voice crack as he was going to cry.
Ethan: You're always jumping to conclusions and you placed a dumb bet and you thought she cheated many times but she still came back to you.
Grayson: She heard our conversation? didnt she?

Ethan: Yup
Grayson: She's crying? I look over at Bianca who had a tear down her cheek.
Ethan: Yup
Grayson: Take the phone off speaker. I take it off speaker and then put it against my ear.
Ethan: What
Grayson: I hate you.

I with that he ended the call and left. I knew what he was gonna do. Hes going to his place. I look at Bianca who went upstairs. 
"Feel free to leave when you feel like it" Her voice cracked. I followed her upstairs and stopped her at the door.
"Dont do anything stupid while im gone" I say kissing her forehead. 
"You're like a sister to me" I sigh,
"I wont" her voice cracked again.
"Promise?" I says holding her hand.
"Promise" She replied as she sighed in defeat.
"Imma go check on Gray" I say letting go of her hand.

"Okay" She replied and walked into her room.

I grab my keys and drive back home. I quickly unlock the door and run into Graysons room. His bathroom door was locked I twist and turn the handle. 
"Grayson open the door" I say banging on the door loudly.

"Grayson?" I yell.

"Grayson open the fucking door" I shout, I kick the door down. To see Grayson sitting against the wall with so many cuts on his wrists. There was blood every where I saw a broken alcohol bottle with blood over it. I squint my eyes. 
"Grayson..." I squeak I walk over the pieces to see him smiling.

"I feel like *hiccup* this was suppose to happen" He blurted as the blood ran down his arm. He was drunk and he cut himself.
"Bianca's all yours" He said as his eyes shut. 
"Grayson...." I cry as I started to tear up I kneel down next to him and feel his pulse. He wasnt breathing.  I cried and cried then called 911

Hiyyaaa I havent uploaded in ages!!!!!!!!
XD I've run out of ideas. I've been a lil busy. but meh
I'll try upload more.


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