The principal

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Ethans POV

I was sitting inside grading papers, until I heard familiar sounds outside. I walked out the main entrance seeing Nate on the ground bleeding while Cameron was kicking him in the stomach, I saw Grayson pulling her away from Nate. I went up to Nate seeing that he was bleeding from his mouth, nose and leg. I helped Nate get up on his one leg and told Alex to take him to the hospital. I looked around to see Amber (The Slut) stuck in the bushes. I put my hand out for her to grab so I could pull her out. She was also bleeding I got her friend Katie to take her to the nurse since the injuries weren't serious. I saw that everyone was staring at me. I told them to leave to go to class and they all left. I looked around to see that Cameron was sharing saliva with my brother Grayson I felt my heart break slowly my legs weakened, but I had to stay strong I walked up to Cam and Gray.

"Cameron and Grayson you both need to go to the principals office right now!" I shouted pulling her back from Grayson's kiss

"S-s-sure Mr D-dolan- She said and ran off crying while Grayson followed her, May ran after her making sure she wouldn't get in trouble I stopped her before she could run and told her to go to her class. 

"Fucking let go of me, you fucking girl scout cookie eating bitchy ass bastard"  She snapped, My eyes widened, " you little b-" I cut her off there because I knew she wanted to say more and pulled her closer to me for a kiss, I felt her kiss back passionately and then she left feeling more calm but with her head down.

Grayson's POV

I ran after Cameron I stopped her from running away from me and pulled her closer to me, I cupped her cheeks wiping her tears away. We both walked silently to the office,  she was still dripping tears. My heart broke every time a tear fell.

Cameron's POV

I sat down in the seat next to Grayson right in front of Mr Yorba-(Adym Alyxander Yorba) (The Principal).I sat down with my head down playing with my bloody knuckles.I felt Grayson grab my hand and rub my knuckles, I looked up at him staring into his eyes.

"So , Miss Robson what happened at the basket ball courts" he said leaning back on his chair with his arms folded. I couldn't say anything as my eyes got watery, I couldn't hold back the tears I let them all out. Mr Yorba sat up. I felt grayson pull me in for a hug I let all my tears out on his shoulder making his shirt wet. I wiped my tears sitting back up 

"He cheated on my best friend for the second time, even when I warned him, all he does is cheat on every girl that falls in love with him, he fucking breaks every single girls heart" I said still wiping my tears


"Grayson?, what happened, someone told me you tried to pull her away but she pushed you away twice" He said staring right into his eyes.He looked down at and looked up at me, I nodded giving him the permission to tell him how I hurt Nate and what happened to the slut. A few minutes later when grayson told Mr Yorba the story, we sat there in silence. My heart was beating so fast, I didn't want to be suspended or worse be expelled. Grayson held my hand the whole time. 

"Miss Robson, since you had the right to be mad you will be suspended other than expelled, You will be suspended for three days so that means I will see you next week on Monday. You may leave now. Oh and thank you grayson for telling me " he said

Me and grayson both left the office, I grabbed my bag and gave grayson a hug. 

"Do you want me to take you home" he asked

"I-its okay, I'll w-walk" I softly said dripping tears. I turned around to walk but I felt someone grab my hand. It was Grayson, he immediately pulled me in for a kiss, I kissed him back for two seconds and pulled away. We looked into each others eyes. I didn't know what to do, I fell into his arms still crying.

Take me home Grayson, I dont wanna be here" I said, he lifted me bridal style and took me to his car I sat in the passenger seat and took me to my house. I got out and grabbed my bag, until I got a phone call.

"Is this Cameron Robson"

"Yes, why"

"Are you related to Ariel Robson"

"Yes, why"

"your mother is in middlemore hospital"

YO wazzup ma dudes, ISH_YE_BOIIII

what did u think of that chapter?

Sorry for the short chapter

Next chap should be out soon

Lots of love


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