Moving In

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Grayson dropped me off in front of my house where I was living alone without Chris and without mom. My eyes got watery but I held the tears back. "I gotta stay strong" I said to myself. I heard a noise upstairs coming from my room, I wiped my tears away in fear. I walked upstairs still hearing the rattling noise. I slowly opened the door and peeked into my room. I saw Grayson climbing through my window from a ladder, I walked in not giving a single fuck since its Grayson. Grayson stopped as soon as I entered and looked at me as his eyes widened. I let out a little giggle and pulled him in through the window. It's Saturday me and grayson could hangout today to take my mind off my Mom and my brother. Even thinking about them makes my eyes watery. I turn around to see grayson on my bed taking his shirt off and pulling his phone out. I couldn't help but stare his abs were perfectly toned. I looked up to see him staring at me while I stared at his abs. He smiled and asked me to come sit down next to him. "let me take a shower" I said, I quickly ran to the bathroom, since I felt like shit so I took a shower grabbing a cute outfit from my closet.

 "let me take a shower" I said, I quickly ran to the bathroom, since I felt like shit so I took a shower grabbing a cute outfit from my closet

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I came out smiling putting my hair into a messy but cute bun. I looked at grayson still sitting there shirtless. I went up to the dressing table and put on some liquid foundation, mascara, eye liner and a lavender lip stick. I jumped on to the bed next to grayson pulling his arms around me as I dug my head into his chest. He looked down and smiled at me. I pulled out my phone and saw the message I had from Mr Dolan. 

Lesson canceled sweetheart sorry, grayson told me what happened to your mom and stuff. I hope your feeling better baby girl;). 

I left him on seen because I was too scared to say anything to him.

I went back to the messages home screen and saw I had three messages from Nate. I pulled on Grayson's arm signaling him to look down at my phone. I handed my phone to him awkwardly not knowing what to do.

Nate: Hey baby girl, were you that mad at me, you dont know how much power I have
Nate: Lets think about grayson...
Nate: Cant wait to see you on Monday baby girl. 

I felt Grayson's body stiffen, I saw the anger in his eyes as he tended to text back

Me: Stay away from me and my girl Nate, she is mine all mine dont even think about touching her. 
Nate: Aww we have her little boyfriend here, do we?
Me: No shit ass hole stay away from her, I can get you expelled dont touch her
Nate: No one can stay away from her she is truly beautiful have you seen that ass tho?. Anyway bye

He gave my phone back blocking Nate's number, I looked into his eyes, he turned his head as his eyes got watery. I gently touched his jawline making him face me. I slowly leaned in not wanting him to feel like he's losing me. I kissed him but I didn't feel him kiss me back. He pulled away and left the house. I slowly started to feel like I was losing him. I was sitting on my bed thinking about grayson, I knew that I was moving in with him tomorrow so I started to pack all my jeans, shirts and shorts into one suit case and all my dresses and skirts in another. I put my bags and handbags all on one side of another suit case and all my make-up and stuff in the other side I picked out a cute skirt for tomorrow and sat down. I texted grayson , I was really worried.

Me: Hey grayson are u ok
Grayson: Idk Cameron
Me: Grayson, you know you can tell me anything.. plz tell me whats wrong
Grayson: I know I can tell you anything except for this one thing. cya tomorrow
Me: bye grayson.

I didn't know what was going on with him I was so confused. I was pretty sure May was gonna come over soon so I texted her 

Me: where u attt???
May: on my way.. cya soon:)

I looked out my window to see her car pull into the driveway. I ran down the stairs and went straight to the door letting her in.I gave her a big hug letting my tears flow and absorb into her Dobre twins sweatshirt. I dug my head into her chest not wanting to let go. She looked down at me and said "  SSHH its ok,I'm here for you dont worry" rubbing my back. 

"Lets go to my room" I said pulling her up stairs
" what happen you look worried?" she said confusingly
"its grayson he is acting weird" I said sitting down on my bed pulling her down
"I think he likes you honestly I have seen the way he looks at you" she said willingly
" naahhh, I dont think so" I said running a hand through my hair. For the rest of the day we sat around talking about what happened during the past few days and did what every girl does with he BFF. 

"I gotta go now" she gave me a hug and pulled out of the driveway.I waved and smiled. It was 10.00 am I sat down on the couch scrolling through instagram and slowly went to sleep. I heard my phone alarm go off.I looked at my screen. it was 8.00. I got up forcing my self into the shower. I washed my hair with some dove shampoo and conditioner and pulled out the cute dress I decided on yesterday while packing

 I washed my hair with some dove shampoo and conditioner and pulled out the cute dress I decided on yesterday while packing

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I put on the dress checking myself out in the mirror. I put my hair down and blow dried it. I quickly curled the end of my hair. I put on a little bit of foundation, mascara and eyeliner. "very simple" I say to myself smiling at the mirror. I put on the cute necklace with the outfit slipped my shoes on. I sprayed some of my favorite vanilla perfume and grabbed my hand bag. I placed my bag on the couch and took off my white sweater it was so fuckin hot I couldn't breath I turned on the AC and started bringing down my suit cases. It was much cooler in the living room I turned off the AC and put all my bags into my white GTR. I grabbed my keys and locked the house door shut. I knew that the house was empty it was a pretty big house for only three people so my mother sold it for 20 million dollars and put all the money into my bank account before dying. I went to the drivers seat and sat down. I took a deep breath before I left.I was really hungry so I bought a small coffee and a large cinnamon donut from a cafe called Vanilla's Cafe. I put in Grayson's address on google maps and drove to their house. I pulled into the driveway of their house and damn! it was beautiful... 



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-Love yall


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